

  • I have underactive thyroid. I have managed to loose 7 lbs in a year good thing is I have maintained that weight loss. It is discouraging when others loose the weight so quick and its taking longer for us. I try to look at myself differently and not worry about anyone else. So far I have been enrolled in boot camp and…
  • Have you checked your thyroid levels? I found out that I had hypothroidism and that is why I have not been able to loose the weight like other people. I am on synthroid and I am doing fine. Still not loosing weight faster than others.
  • I recently got a P90x. I am on week one, day 4. I will be happy to join your blog to write details on my progress and we can probably trade notes. I have scoliosis rod in my back so I would like some help regarding certain exercises I cannot do. The rod makes my back extremely straight so things that require me to curve my…
  • Count me in. My current weight: 147 My goal weight: 125
  • How is it going everyone?
  • I will be your weight loss buddy too. I am in dire need of motiviation. I tend to get discouraged and notice that I need a bit of motivation to get myself to strive on.