I would like a weight loss buddy.

Hey ladies I would love to have a weight loss buddy to keep me motivated. Someone I could share the struggle and achivements with. I have 50 something pounds left to lose. Anyone...


  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hey ladies I would love to have a weight loss buddy to keep me motivated. Someone I could share the struggle and achivements with. I have 50 something pounds left to lose. Anyone...
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! I would love to be your weight loss buddy. Im also 22 and need to lose 25-30 lbs!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hey nice to meet you. Now can I add you to my friends? And how?
  • ttoombs
    ttoombs Posts: 220 Member
    I'm in. I'm 45 and need to lose at least 30 lbs.
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    Nice to meat you too, i don't really know how to add friends either!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Nice to meat you too, i don't really know how to add friends either!

    click her name, above her pic there, it'll take you to her profile. There's an "add as friend" button on there, you'll see it.
  • lokana2k
    lokana2k Posts: 8
    I will be your weight loss buddy too. I am in dire need of motiviation. I tend to get discouraged and notice that I need a bit of motivation to get myself to strive on.

  • lokana2k
    lokana2k Posts: 8
    How is it going everyone?