clouddancer7 Member


  • Change up your exercise routine. Do different things. If you do.alot of cardios, mix in some weight training or vise versa.
  • Ok I drink it once in awhile, I still lose my 1-2 pounds a week, and have no side effects whatsoever. Do I drink it daily? No. But once every couple days doesn't hurt me. Mind you, I'm not saying that it works the same for everyone, I can only speak for myself.
  • Change your exercise routine. If you normally walk around the block once, walk around twwo or three times, if you weight train mostly, change it to doing cardios mostly. I was stuck for like two weeks and I went did a 30 minute circuit training routine. Guess what? the next day I had dropped 1.5 pounds!
  • I have a friend who is a large person and when I told her that I have lost like 22 lbs. (I lost some before I joined this site but put in my current weight at the time I joined so that I can keep better records on here) proceeded to tell me how to lose weight faster and better according to her. I just told her that if she…
  • You can't help people who refuse to help themselves. You can suggest, you can cajol, and you can fight with him about it, but in the end, he has to make the decision that it's time to change. No one can do it for him. I know it's hard to sit back and watch his self-destruction, but you can't force him to care for himself.…
  • Hi! I've been at it since December, have lost 20 lbs. total. My profile says 6 lbs. because I started using this site only about 2 weeks ago and I put my current weight at that time instead of my real starting weight. I exercise 5 times a week, doing both cardios and strength training.