N8r8r Member


  • +1 this; first thing in the morning, no water drank and maybe after using the bathroom to get the lowest reading possible (sorry, might be TMI)
  • Really, the only place that I have any "noticeable weight" is in my stomach; I got a little pudge that doesn't really want to go away, no matter how much I punish it with bicycle crunches and squirms...grrr.
  • 2 years "smoke-sober" here; I went the cold turkey route. I can't say that the cravings ever totally go away, but it gets easier to overcome the urges. It's kinda like that with any kind of vice: It's a lot easier for me to pass up on the doughnuts now that I haven't had any of them for a while now either. Good luck, and…
  • Mine are threefold; two which you have told us already (the food scale and the barcode scanner on MFP), and the other is my Fitbit One. That little beauty has helped me out so much. I love to walk, and Fitbit keeps track of my steps and it syncs with MFP. Both sites are interlinked, so if my daily activities (walking…
  • Well said. I go with the BMI range and shoot for somewhere in the healthy range. No point in being underweight, you'd just look sickly
  • Well, yes...and no. When you set up your MFP with your height and age and weight, it calculates your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). The easiest way that BMR was explained to me was that if you were in a coma, your BMR would be the amount of of calories that your doctor would be feeding you through a tube to keep your organs…
  • I second this...minus the scale, and add that I really love the fact that...once I sync my Fitbit, that the exercise syncs with MFP and adjusts my cals to an appropriate level. It's so nice to be able to figure out my exact calories that I need to eat to lose
  • Mostly walking and aerobics; I may purchase some dumbbells soon.
  • Right there with ya
  • It's just that the TDEE number looks rediculiously high for me...why would MFP put me at 1710?
  • Nope. Thats a reminder of the goal I want to strive for
  • Bump
  • You are soooo lucky! I'm still at 222ish, and want to join the "100 club" so badly. It's going to be a long trek, but you know what? It'll be worth it. I just gotta keep reminding myself of that.
  • Jillian Micheals had a good quote in one of her books that I stick with when I have a bad day and feel like throwing it all away. "If you get a flat tire, do you change it and move on or do you slash the other three tires?" Fitness is all about a frame of mind. It helps me to think of food as fuel, and nothing more. A car…
  • Feel free to add me. I'm on almost daily and I'm pretty active in the MFP community as well. My only thing is...no whining. I'm cool with complaining as long as you do something about it and not use it as an excuse for pity. If you're cool with that, send me a message. n8r8r
  • From what I read on Fitbit/MFP websites, when you integrate the two accounts together, you just need to put in a start time for your exercise and how long you did said exercise and then it takes care of the rest. I for one just got the Fitbit One and I'm loving just going about my day and having the extra calorie boost
  • Here's some. Weights and lifting will build up muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you're looking for a slim figure, incorperate some cardio into your work out. Cardio builds lean muscle mass, will burn the calories and also help with your weightlifting burn. If you do a mix of cardio and weightlifting, you'll…
  • Have you tried Biggest Loser Cardio Max? Best 9 bucks I ever spent at Wallyworld.
  • Preachin' to the choir!
  • A good low calorie sub option: Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki on Wheat with loads of veggies!
    in Subway! Comment by N8r8r April 2013
  • I've avoided sweets all day and have been drinking more water than I usually do. Looking forward to being under my calorie goals tonight
  • I've found out personally that it's good to drink plenty of water with each meal to avoid the hunger pains. Have a snack? Drink a couple cups of water. Lunch? A couple more. Also, find foods to eat that are naturally high in protein (Nuts are my favorite). They may be "higher" in calories, but the protein will keep you…
  • I'm a PC Gamer: Mostly play Battlefield: BC2, Planetside 2 (Free for those who are interested), and the Sims.
  • Gail, I'd consult a dietitian before dropping your calories so low...you don't want your body to go into "starvation mode". Be careful.
  • I think MFP recommends you change it every 10 pounds.
  • From everything that I've read online and been told by the fitness experts at the gym I used to go to, they recommend a day of cardio based activity, and then a day of strength training activity (weight lifting); this way you can still get in your daily workout, but don't have muscle fatigue from over working things. If…
  • Hello. I'm Nathan from Anoka. Born and raised here in Minne-snow-ta. I'm here to get back down to what my "ideal" weight for my height is...about 180 pounds...which means I have to lose about 45 lbs. I wish it would get warmer so I could start walking to lost weight again!
  • My worst binge....lemme think. When I was at my lowest, I ate an entire tub of cheese puffs and washed it down with a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper. Divorces will do that to a person...
  • @kdorosh Trying to pass off catnip as Marijuana and getting busted by the cops :bigsmile: