KMJ1686 Member


  • I workout at home, so yes I will be working out on Thursday
  • I am back for round 2. Although I haven't completed this 100%. I finished month 1 the middle of September and I lost 7lbs & 12inches. I felt amazing and I noticed a huge difference in my clothes. I got to week 1 in month 2 and I came down with a horrible cold that put me out for over 3 weeks. After that I fell off the…
  • I just started on the 18th for my 3rd time. I have yet to finish, I've only done Phase 1. Both times around the 3rd week my knees would start to hurt. Prior to me doing this program I never had knee issues (I'm only 29) The impact with all the squats and lunges put me into excruciating pain. So be careful if this is your…
  • I've tried Nutrisystem before - I know why people lose weight...they don't eat...the food is horrible! I couldn't believe how gross some of the food tasted and smelled! If you want pre-packaged food, try lean cuisine or smart ones, I found the nutritional facts were quite similar, and so much cheaper.
  • I'm looking forward to starting again. I seen great results each time I've completed Phase 1. The pain started just around week 2, beginning of week 3. I just youtubed some videos how to modify lunges and squats and I might try that, thinking about the pain makes me cringe haha I'll keep posted on how things are going once…
  • I've had the JMBR DVD's for about 3 years now. The first year I started (in September), I started having knee pain around the last end of Phase 1, and really started to bother me beginning of Phase 2. I stopped the workouts and the pain went away. A year later, I started the DVD's again in September, and again, I began to…
  • I eat Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. 80 calories, fat 0, carbs 8g, protein 12g
  • Hi all!! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving--and didn't eat to much :) I went to my orthopedic appointment last week and here's the verdict-- I have Chondromalacia patella (damage to the cartilage under the kneecap --both knees!) And I also have knee spurs in both knees! Ugh! They told me that I will need to start…
  • Hey everyone! I just went through all the guys are doing so well...I wish I was still doing the program :sad: A little update...I never went to my rheumatologist because I just knew that wasn't the problem. I have an appointment on Tuesday with an orthopedic. Quick question...has anyone ever use a knee brace…
  • Thanks! Even though Jillian was so mean and tough, but loving and caring at the same time lol I actually enjoyed the program, loved the results I was getting but the pain I couldn't enjoy anymore haha I have Zumba tonight and I'll see how I do because all along I haven't had an issue yet with that while my knees have been…
  • Thanks! Hope to see you then!
  • Thanks girl! :)
  • Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! My knees are still not good, and actually are getting worse :-( I'm going to end the program and just focus on Zumba without doing the squats and lunges. I hope things get better because I would love to jump back into it in January. If anyone does another round in January I'll…
  • I don't want to stop, but it's already Friday and I see no improvement with my knees. I don't know what I'm going to do next week. I'm starting week 6 over next week and I hope things go okay. I don't want to go this has been such an awesome group! I definitely will take your advice though on going slower and concentrating…
  • I haven't done Cardio 2, couldn't do it lol Last week I did Turbo Jam in place of it. I'm taking this whole week off, even Zumba and starting back up on Monday. I will be modifying as best as I can and never though of doing the same thing with the lunge chops for workout 6 as we do in 5. Good tip! If I don't seen an…
  • Thanks Lidzia! I didn't workout yesterday and if I do today I will be modifying a lot. I really want to continue with the program, but will stop to save my knees.
    in Knees Comment by KMJ1686 November 2013
  • I've been trying to push through it and then both times this week I've cut back on lunging or jumping. I do Zumba twice a week and certain times through out the 1hr we do squats and lunges and I can't even do that anymore without my knees killing me. :( I didn't even workout yesterday. I might have to completely modify…
  • I've been trying to do that, but it's defintily not working for me :noway: I also do Zumba twice a week and certain times through out the 1hr we do squats and lunges and I can't even do that anymore without my knees killing me. :(
    in Knees Comment by KMJ1686 November 2013
  • Anyone else having issues with their knees hurting? Prior to this I never had an issue with pain, and I remember last year I had the same problem, but my knees hurt daily and sometimes wonder how I'm going to be able to go on. I'm thinking I may have to stop for a bit and have my knees recover :ohwell:
  • I had a horrible weekend! Wasn't the was chocolate! Anyone have any ideas on what to eat instead of candy/chocolate when you're craving it? It's almost that TOM for me but I love chocolate so that's not really an excuse for me haha I'm not much a fruit/veggie person I just need some ideas on how others handle the…
  • I also enjoy workout 6 and those single leg squats are difficult for me as well. Hopefully with week 6 coming up I can do them really well :)
  • Seems to be a pattern with this program...Odd numbers seem to be the hardest while even are "easier"
  • I'm sure it does release the work from the triceps...not as effective...the only way I can do those stupid things lol
  • Workout 5 is tough...the first time I started it I yelled and complained and swore at Jillian the whole 30 minutes lol I can't do a normal pushup for the life of me! I modify and go onto my knees, quickly go into a plank and turn and raise the arm. I don't go as fast as them so I can do correct form. For the crab…
  • My Stats: November 4th CW: 214 Calorie goal per day- 1300 Jillian Michael's Body Revolution: Day 1 of week 6, Phase 2 Goal weight for end of November: 209
  • Sounds great! I'm in too! I'm also in Phase 2--finishing up Week 5 today.
  • Ever since I seen the episode from when Oprah went there during her 25th season I was in awe and would love to get there someday...Hey we'll swap I'll go there and you can come here lol Inches...I feel like I'm shrinking...I agree with the adjusting to workout 5 & 6, I'm beyond sore lol Maybe next week will be better now…
  • Weighed in today and gained .5 :grumble: Not thrilled :ohwell: but oh well...on to week 6!
  • You live in Australia? Haha Australia is a place on my bucket list to visit someday!
  • Yes, join the group that Daisychain65 provided! I just started Phase 2 on Monday. Phase 1 I lost 7lbs and 9inches! -Good luck!!