

  • I just sent you a friend's request!!!! I finally figured out how to do it again lol!
  • I wish you all the luck to get back on your journey to a healthier you!!!! Just remember that if you start feeling like giving up or going back to bad habits just say to yourself.... " I want the old me back where I was happier, healthier, had energy and just felt better period! " I'm going to use this as one of my…
  • Great!!!! I wish you all the luck with your journey.... you can do it!!!! Just ever in doubt refer back to the old you and say " I want to feel that way again" that's one of the strategies I'm going to use on my journey!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend as we can help support one another....
  • You look trully amazing! Your story gives me inspiration! Thanks so much and congrats