

  • I did just need to give it a little time so maybe you do too. I dropped 2 lbs last week. . I didn't realize that muscles tend to hold on to water when they tear and trying to repair so I was glad I asked!!
  • yes I think I will be throwing out my scale. I know it's only been 5 days and I need to give it time. I didn't realize that damaged muscles retain water either. That is good to know and I certainly feel better knowing that. Thanks again everyone! I'll keep at it and see how I fair in a couple weeks!!
  • Thanks for all the replies. Yes my diet has been much better than "usual" in addition to the exercise. We grilled a ton of boneless chicken and pork chops with grilled veggies. I also made a quinoa salad so I've been having the grilled meat with either the quinoa salad or a regular salad for lunch while I am at work. In…