

  • Hi guys! Happy to be back from vacation and back on track with the Challenge! I actually behaved myself pretty well food wise, there were plenty of fresh, delicious fish meals offered at the resort I was on, so while I didn't manage to lose any weight, I didn't really gain, either! How has the Olympian team been doing?…
  • Hey Olympians! Not everyone has filled in the Team Spreadsheet for week 4! I have updated the totals on the Captain's Spreadsheet with the numbers AS THEY STAND NOW...some of you are missing quite a few points! PLEASE get those updated tonight so I can give you all the credit you deserve!!!
  • Let's have a rocking Week 5 guys!!
  • Team, I'm so proud of you! Tons of points, tons of miles! Let's keep being OLYMPIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • GOOD MORNING OLYMPIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's Kick Monday's Booty!
  • Let's get those #'s in team...brag a little, let us know how great you did! I have private messaged everyone who hasn't filled in their numbers yet, but just in case I missed anyone please double check! If you didn't score any points in a particular day, it would be helpful if you could put a '0' instead of just leaving it…
  • Olympians you are rocking my world! Keep up the hard work!!
  • OH...shame on me... A Huge thank you to amazing_grace and everyone for any prayers/thoughts for my Little Miss, it is greatly appreciated!
  • Hey Hey Olympians!!! As you were told, my little girl has been having a very tough time. She seems to be through the worst of it, now a waiting game til we see the specialist. In the meantime...I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! How is everyone doing?? I am personally loving the exercise challenges, I've got some catching up…
  • Hello Olympians! How are we all doing? Sorry I've been a little quiet, this isn't usually my style, but I've got a pretty sick baby, and have been correspondingly distracted! I let stress eating (and two long john donuts) get the best of me today, lucky for a good long run to keep me under my calorie goal! Exercises Done!…
  • Great day! Exercises Done! Under Calorie Goal! 14 Glasses of water! 6.5 miles! Can I go ahead and make a suggestion that if you have a zero value for a certain category, you enter a "0" instead of leaving it blank? Assuming, of course, that zero can be entered as a value :) I don't want to waste my time or yours seeking…
  • you can post your own points in the spreadsheet, you don't have to wait on me to do it...with so many team members and categories, I am sure to mess something up and I don't want to shortchange anybody!
  • Team tessanharris, don't forget to go to the spreadsheet and fill out your points for the day!! you guys rock, this is only day one and i'm already jazzed about my awesome team!
  • WOW MISSY! Great job on 18 glasses of water, you were swimming! Exercises DONE Under Calorie Goal! 15 glasses of water 1.5 Miles on Running Challenge (Today was a rest day for me ;))
  • Hello Everyone! Very Excited to get started, and wanted to give a special shout out to Team tessanharris! I know this is an individual challenge, and the teams don't technically matter, but I always think it's fun to work with a team, so we can motivate and challenge each other!! Thank you so much to amazing_grace for…
  • SUPER EXCITED for the commitment level in this...exactly what I need to push myself! I'm going hardcore...Team Captain, Olympian, Gold Medalist!! I'm excited to lead a team, not just to help you guys, but to be inspired and motivated by you as well!! Let's all push it and BECOME the healthier, sexier ;);) us that we are…
  • Hello All! My name is Tessa, and I am fairly new to MFP, only been using it for a few months... As a former college athlete, weight and fitness had never been an issue for me. Even after my first child, I was able to get the weight to come off without too much trouble. After baby number two, my little girl who came 6…