KJensen34 Member


  • Yep, I understand that my TDEE/BMR is based on my body weight. Currently the health-calc calculator has me at 3700kcal TDEE for 240lbs, so I'd be at 52% deficit with 1800 calories. If I bump the weight down to 200lbs the TDEE goes to 3200kcals, so a 44% deficit with 1800 calories. I am unsure how I am going to adjust my…
  • I didn't know that this post/topic would go this far. Thank you for all of the input everyone, but I realize that I was too quick to say "plateau" and am just being impatient with my weight loss. I know it took several years to put on the weight so it's going to take more than a few months to take it back off. I was just…
  • Thank you for the suggestion, but I am currently at roughly 50% of my TDEE@240 so don't know if I want to adjust down even further.
  • I specifically said in my original post "I know I am not in 'starvation mode'". Thank you for taking the time to cite that article though. I had seen it before and thought it was very thorough
  • I must have missed the post by @MrM27 about me being like talking to a wall. I specifically mentioned that I probably wasn't in a plateau in a previous post. Just looking for help to not have the loss slow down. The reason I asked about lowering carbs is because that was suggested by jacksonpt so I told him my macros and…
  • I actually just started taking bodily measurements this past week because the scale was being stubborn. So I'm hoping I notice inches being lost in the next couple weeks if the scale continues to not move. I don't believe I can gain the amount of muscle I am losing in (hopefully only) fat with the current deficit I have. I…
  • This is intriguing to me and I most likely will try it in the following weeks. It makes complete sense and seems like an easy way to accomplish what @ndj1979 suggested previously without taking a full year to get it nailed down. Just for curiosity, how do your numbers compare to the online TDEE/BMR calculators? I have been…
  • Thank you for all the advice and helping me out @MrM27. I believe have a good understanding of BMR and TDEE. The only problem I have is without using the calculators, how do I determine what my BMR/TDEE is, or exactly how should I set my daily calories? I understand it should be between .8 and 1 gram protein per pound of…
  • Thank you for the very clear and concise summary.
  • 1) I definitely am logging as accurate as possible. All solids are weighed and liquids measured. I do include condiments and supplements, you will find teaspoons of siracha and mustard scattered through my diary. 2) Current macros are below. Do you think it would be beneficial to drop carbs lower? 35% Protein- 166g 40%…
  • I don't do steady-state cardio, but do interval training for 20-30 minutes twice weekly. I have read that interval training keeps metabolism higher post-running and also helps to preserve lean muscle mass compared to steady-state, but maybe should swap one of the interval days for a steady-state day.
  • Do you think I need to adjust them down from 1800 calories a day? This amount is already 50% or so of my TDEE and I lift heavy 3-4 times a week. For what it's worth I'm 6' and roughly 28% body fat currently.
  • My understanding was that the TDEE and BMR equations used in the calculators are doing exactly what your first paragraph states, so the 2200-2500 numbers given are calculating exactly what you are talking about. I wasn't aware that the highest drop in metabolic rate was 15-17% so thank you for the figure. I also agree that…
  • [quote=If you aren't losing, you are not , BY DEFINITION, eating below BMR - no matter what you think is happening. Start there rather than grasp at useless BroScience straws. [/quote] Sergeant, please read the first post before commenting.
  • MrM27, I am not going to blindy follow anyone's advice and my post specifically asks for general feedback, so please don't bash anyone's advice or opinion. I really appreciate @4theking for taking the time to suggest a refeed day which makes sense to me. I also appreciate you telling me to be more patient and stick it out,…
  • Do you think it is better for fat-weight loss to keep my calories where they are at and do the 'refeed or 2xBMR' day, or would it be better to slowly bring my daily calories up to not need the refeed day?
  • I don't eat-back calories from exercise so all the calorie counts are gross consumption
  • Jeff, yes, hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator will last 7 days in-shell or 5 days peeled in an airtight container. They shouldn't be kept at room temperature for more than a couple hours though, so if you don't eat them for breakfast, make sure you have a good lunchbox or refrigerator at work you can put them in if…
  • What works for me is to prepare stuff on the weekends. I like to boil a dozen or two eggs on the weekend so I can grab a few as a quick meal throughout the week. I also make a pound or two of beef jerky and measure out 1 ounce portions into baggies so I can just grab one or two to throw into my stuff for the day. Other…
  • Any meat(whole, sliced, or ground): Chicken, tuna, beef, turkey, salmon, bison, etc. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, etc. Misc Snacks: Eggs, beef jerky, cottage cheese, slicing cheese, greek yogurt, peanut butter