hannahpage1991 Member


  • I'm 28"... not sure in cm. I'm 5'6" so I'm doing well :) I am currently 9 stone 11 and my goal is about 9 stone :)
  • at the end of the day your husband will choose for himself his diet and even if he says and feels that he wants to eat healthily, that first step in really making a change can be a hard one. I understand that the people you keep around you, and how they eat, affects your eating habits as well. But instead of trying to…
  • I suppose it would have been better all round if your man had been upfront with you about how your friend behaved. How did you find this out? Did he tell you? Did your "friend"? If your boyfriend is coming clean now through his own mouth then it sounds like he thinks that you guys are now solid enough in this relationship…
  • Everybody has their occasional day to let loose and I suppose we do need those days :) don't be hard on yourself. Just keep doing what you've been doing and set up days of the week/month that can be your designated "treat day"! Something to look forward to :D Best of luck and stay positive. xxx
  • Like most of the people commenting on this mine is old fashioned boredom. Also if I know that something like cake is in my house I suddenly want to eat it. If it wasn't there I wouldn't fancy eating it to be honest. I'm at a library desk for most of my day so it's also because I want a break that I will got and get a…