

  • I ordered mine on Amazon :D
  • Biggest budget-eating tip I know is to invest in some good bowls. So you can carry all you need and don't have to buy-ready-made. :P Maddy was right about the beans: pre-soak overnight and then cook! Soaking them for at least 8 hours reduces the acid content so they're easier on your stomach- and easier to digest. I'll…
  • Cheese. Cheese pies, cheesy lasagna, hot toast with cheese, hamburgers with double cheese. Cheese on my supposed-to-be-healthy salads. LOL Also: Twix. I cannot see that little golden packet and leave well enough alone.
  • Have you tried Zumba yet? It's a lot less intense than the Jillian Michaels, but still works great! It actually makes you WANT to work out. Don't know any other program that does that, even with beginners. I've been doing it over the internet for a while now, but my DVDs arrive in a few hours (hopefully!) And there are…
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