

  • Someone mentioned they thought it was more socially acceptable. I don't think that really is the case at all. I don't think it is anywhere near socially acceptable. We read these boards every day with people talking about their horror stories. What I do think is that there are companies that have made it 'easier' to be…
  • That before picture. That and the fact I could no longer sit or stand or really even lay without it hurting me. I was miserable and trapped in my own body. I finally just woke up one day and realized I had to make a change!
  • Aldi, Aldi, Aldi! It has cut my grocery bill in HALF!!! There are 2 of us in my family and I'm spending a little less than $60 a week and I've lost 50 pounds since January!
  • I'm a little bit shorter - right at 5'0. Right now my goal is to get out of the 200's. I've never weighed less than 200 in my 'adult' life, so I'm not sure how I'll look. I realistically think I could probably get to 165, but I would love to be 130-140. I'm worried about excess skin though!
  • Thanks everyone & I am beyond blessed with the friends that I have in my life! I really don't know where I'd be without them!
  • I'll be honest with you, if you have hips it's tight! My friend weighs about 10 pounds more than me & she's 7 inches taller than me, but she has hips and she had a hard time on The Legend. For reference, I'm 5 foot and weigh 242. I had absolutely no problem, but I carry most of my weight in my stomach, not my hips.
  • Sometimes I'm the same way! I feel like after I drink 3-4 liters of water, I still feel thirsty. If I do, I take a drink of something carbonated...like Coke or Sprite. For some reason, for me, that quenches it. Then I'm good. I have no idea why, but I think sometimes my palette just needs a change. Like I said for me, it's…
  • Just friend me, my diary is open! I think for the most part though, what's made the most difference for me is walking. I walk up and down hills twice a day.
  • Thank you everyone!! I did a couple of the exercise's that a few people suggested yesterday & I am feeling it today! Thank you so much!
  • A whole bag of cool ranch doritos. A whole box of Samoas. On my way to getting here, I would regularly - this is embarrassing....eat dinner and then on my mom's way home from work she would call me and ask if I wanted anything. On numerous occasions I had her get me the SIX DOLLAR BURGER COMBO UPSIZED from Hardee's. That's…
  • It will get better! The first three weeks of my walking journey I could barely get out of bed the next morning and I was probably only walking about half a mile. Now I'm up to almost two miles a day. It sucked, but I'm so proud of myself now! Keep at it and you will get there! Feel free to add me, if you need a friend!
  • After my cheat day..sometimes it's just a meal....I make sure to get double my water in for the next two days. Typically I drink 3-4 liters a day. After that...I try to do 6-7 liters for the next two days. It typically leaves pretty quick after that.
  • I'm with you on the 'no clothes to wear bandwagon'. I've had to give pretty much everything away. I have about 2 pairs of capris, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pairs of dress pants & really 3 shirts that fit. It's exciting, but it sucks having to shell out money again! My shoes don't even fit anymore. Congrats on your weight loss!!!
  • My feet have also 'lost weight' too. I used to wear a 9-10..I'm in an 8-8.5 now and I just bought some medium sized flip flops. It's awesome! I'm ready for FMP's!!!
  • Thank you everyone! It feels good to hear other people say it instead of the people in my life every day! As far as what I'm doing, I think the biggest thing is I'm not eating out nearly as much and I'm getting exercise now. It used to be before this, I would possibly eat out all 3 meals of the day. Now I cook all my…
  • I need to lose about 140 & I'm looking for friends as well! Please add me!