

  • For some people it's a fad, for others it's survival. Celiac disease is where gluten causes a reaction in the stomach where the stomach lining becomes scared. When scar tissue builds up, nutrients can't be absorbed and a person can become malnourished. People with celiac disease can not eat any gluten. People who are…
  • LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
  • Thanks! My doctor says I need to workout at the gym more, but I feel drained for two days after when I do. So I'm doing more lighter weights at home and now started walking. I did do 1.4 miles at a moderate pace on Saturday & Sunday, and today I feel drained & fatigued... I may have over done it. I'll take a few days off…
  • I just read yours too! We're probably not the only two here. Would you be interested in participating in an ongoing thread about coming back from an illness?