Major Illness Recover & Exercise

HI All,

I've been with MyFitnessPal for a few weeks, prior to that I was with another online log but it had a monthly fee. I'm in the last stages of recovering from lyme disease, which has had me physically down for the past year.

Until 2005 when knee & hip pain and fatigue became too severe I used to run 3 to 5 miles, 3 to 5 times a week. Since 2005 I've gained 25 pounds (I suppose that could be worse).

Because of some lingering lyme symptoms I'm still not up to a full gym workout, so I do some weights at home 2 to 3 times a week. On March 24 I'm planning to do a charity 3 mile walk and need to start "training" So today I'm going to walk in my neighborhood, today's goal is 1 mile at a moderate pace (mostly when I walk I walk quite slowly for me).

Are there others here who are recovering from a major illness and using exercise & diet to get life back to "normal" (whatever normal is :wink:)?

~ rebecca


  • annputation23
    Hi I just posted not too long ago about the same topic..well close to the same. I'm recovering from major blood loss due to a tumor~took almost a year to resolve and I gained about 35 pounds. But, I'm back to getting into shape and being slim again. I just have to remind myself to be patient!
  • r_madd
    I just read yours too! We're probably not the only two here. Would you be interested in participating in an ongoing thread about coming back from an illness?
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member

    Well I have had multiple open heart surgeries. My last one was 4 years ago. But due to the amount that I have had (8) I now have arthritis in my chest. ( I mean there are other issues too lol but you don't need a medical textbook written here)

    I have found when it comes to cardio etc. I usually do the low impact (modified) versions on workout video's and when it comes to circuit training or strength training I just have to modify. I have generally come to know what my body can and cannot do. I am very stubborn and it has taken me a long time to accept my limitation but I have a small child and I am a single parent. So need to put her first and be available to her I can't be convalescing in bed all day b/c I pushed it too hard lol.

    I have another surgery/procedure coming up ( minor it's a pacemaker replacement) So I will have to take a real break and return to square one for a lot of things. But everything will come in time. Any steps you take towards being healthy are the right steps. Don't be too hard on yourself. Stay positive. Hope you get feeling better soon. Recovery is physical, mental, and emotional. Be kind to yourself on all levels.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • r_madd
    Thanks! My doctor says I need to workout at the gym more, but I feel drained for two days after when I do. So I'm doing more lighter weights at home and now started walking. I did do 1.4 miles at a moderate pace on Saturday & Sunday, and today I feel drained & fatigued... I may have over done it. I'll take a few days off of exercise and try again with a day in between walks.