1/1=30 mins walk / run c25K day 1 1/3=30 mins walk / run c25k day 2 total 60 minutes half way there!
1/1: 30 minutes day one of couch to 5k plan mix of walking and running.
Don't worry you're eating right and going to the gym, therefore you're more healthy than you were before. results will follow.
I have focused my rewards on changing my lifestyle rather than results, that way i have a definate time when i'm either going to get it or not and i'm also learning healthy habits regardless that i will more easily integrate into my life without further reward. for example if you starve yourself you will lose 10lb quickly…
As someone who used to finish work at 11pm i feel your pain, although if you go to bed later then late night snacking is not as bad as for "regular folk." make it part of your regular scheduled meals and make sure it's something healthy. i don't know your family situation but the easiest way is not to buy the bad stuff in…