

  • This is the one that I have but I purchased mine at Walmart. Love it.
  • I use one that is Weight Watchers Approved. I believe I picked it up at Walmart. It is white with 2 W's in the bottom left hand corner. You just tap it once and wait for 00 then step on. It will register within a couple of seconds. Very accurate as well. I like it, have had it for about 3 years and has never had the…
  • I will be your friend. I have been doing this for 2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. I'm 37 years old and a mother of 2 boys 13 and 10. I too am looking to loose about 50-60lbs. Be honest with your food intake and exercise and this site will be true to you. You can do this weight loss thing. It took me quite awhile to come to…
  • Good luck to you. I too am new at this site. Our stories are all to similar. I would like to become friends with you so that I can loose weight with someone. I am 37 mother of 2 and have recently encountered Thyroid problems and have recently had a hysterectomy. So I am really needing to loose this extra weight that I…