

  • Hello there, and I am in your shoes. I am still in my twenties, but I have two of my own children to keep up with. I do know how you feel. After months of working out and dieting, and not losing weight, I turned to a medical doctor and nutritionist and now I am here. I have lost 36.6 lbs and it seems to be going very…
  • Hello there! You can do it. I am only 29, but I have a total of 80 lbs to lose. I am nearly half way there. This is a great place to get some help and support. You can do it. Take it one "meal at a time" it won't be easy, but you will feel accomplished and better about yourself!!!! GOOD LUCK!
  • My name is Jessica. I have been working on losing weight since August 6th of last year. I have managed to lose 36.6 so far and I feel great. My husband gave me a cruise for my birthday in December and we are going in July. I need to lose 50 more lbs to get down to my target weight. I have found that I am not hungry and I…
  • Hi there! I just noticed you said you are starving so I thought I would throw out a daily serving suggestion. Your body needs nutrients and vitamins in order to work. I would suggest more food, and small servings. This will give you the energy and the full feeling that you need. Here is my suggestion: 3.5 Proteins, 4…
    in Hello Comment by jcarroll26 January 2008