

  • Well I did a lot of research last night and then tried to go for a run with my fiance and wanted to die so I have decided to stop taking it. If I can't exercise, then what is the point of even taking it. Plus, it looks like I was starting to have symptoms for something called Pulmonary Hypertension (which is BAD). So I am…
  • I am eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. It has helped curb my appetite but I force myself to eat a protein and carb every three hours (like greek yogurt with granola or a KIND bar). After all, trying to change habits or all this is for nothing. I was eating horribly so also thinking maybe I am going through carb and…
  • Also forgot to mention that I am out of breath a lot even just sitting down. And have had several periods of time where I couldn't take a deep breath. Almost felt like asthma.
  • If he is saying he won't marry you or move forward in the relationship until you lose weight, run (don't walk) away. I think you are very pretty. My fiance and I jokingly said that we would get married after we both lose 30 lbs. However, the wedding date is set and I guarantee that we will go through with it regardless of…
  • I was getting obsessed and weighing myself 2-3 times a day so I took my scale to my neighbors with strict instructions to only let me on it on Fridays. She was happy to help. It's not really out of sight, out of mind, but it takes the temptation away. Don't want my neighbor thinking I'm crazy.