

  • Thanks everyone for the answer. Silly question, but why would I want to eat back the calories I burned at the gym?
  • So I did an hour today, 15 on treadmill just walking and did 190 calories, then 45 min (3 x 15 min sessions) of stationary bike. Oh man the bike makes you sweat if you get into it, but I feel like you burn like no calories. Also typed in elliptical by mistake instead of stationary bike, hope that's okay if I fix the…
  • My plan for later today (got a lot of classes and stuff today) is to get in there and an hour. Is it ok to do like 45 min of cardio where its split between treadmill and elliptical or is all one machine better.
  • Thanks everyone for posting, I appreciate it. This semester is all about change, last one was terrible. So far I have had a pretty good week, I have fixed a lot of problems that I have been having, and I am gaining new hobbies . Now is the perfect time to add exercise, plus I can't wait to go back home and have my parents…
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