Yvelily Member


  • You look so great! You have clearly been working out - nice! You're right, it's the eating right that takes the pounds off, but it's the exercise that makes it possible to stick to your diet, don't you think?
  • I just want to say that the idea that people need 8 glasses of water a day has been completely fabricated. In the 60's, a scientist was being interviewed on the subject of water in the diet and said in a normal day, we consume the equivalent of 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water a day. This included all the water that is already…
  • Not only are vitamins of dubious worth nutritionally, I worry because in the past 12 years or so, the manufacture of all or most the components of vitamins has moved from the US to China. With their record on food safety, I try to stay away from Chinese ingredients, although it is getting harder! Even the "all natural"…