jpuderbaugh Member


  • I too started c25k this week. I've been averaging about 4 out of 8 minutes for jogging so I definitely plan to do week 1 again next week. After day 1, I had such an "I'm so proud of myself" feeling that it lasted 2 days. It was amazing.
    in C25k Comment by jpuderbaugh March 2014
  • If I'm struggling to control my sweet tooth (because I'm still learning to control my urge to eat everything in sight and try to eat just one piece/bite), and believe me, if it's not in the house and I'm having one of those uncontrollable days, I will go to the store and buy things I shouldn't (even if it means getting…
  • I used to be able to get Asiago Cheese bagels in my town, but suddenly I can't. They were absolutely delicious and I loved them. Miss them!! :sad:
    in bagels Comment by jpuderbaugh July 2013
  • Start my family. Every day that goes by that I'm not pregnant is killing me. I want healthy pregnancies, healthy babies, and to raise them with the right attitude toward food. I need to succeed with my kids where my parents failed. Still trying to change my own eating habits.
  • My weight times 15 is way more calories than I eat in a day. If I eat over my daily calories a few times a week, even if barely over by 100, the scale will not budge and sometimes even goes up. And my daily calories right now are less than my weight x 6 right now.
  • I love poppy seed dressing but it makes me sick and irritates my kidneys. I wouldn't exactly call it an allergy, but I can't eat it so...
  • I love my personality, I love my singing voice, I love how strong I am mentally (I achieved and maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA for my first semester of college while being on suicide watch with my mom after she was diagnosed with leukemia), I love that I still have my farm girl muscles too. And I too love my boobs, and I…
  • my husband has told me that he loves me no matter what I look like, but that he wants me to be happy and he knows I am miserable and self-conscious looking the way I do.
  • Funny, I've always found it weird that people friend collect on FB. I do not wish to share my frustrations with family or work, and pictures of my family (especially my sweet nephew) with people I do not know. Now on here, I prefer to deal with people I don't know very well because a. barely anybody I know is on here, and…
  • I eat once I'm at work. It lets me sleep longer :-) plus, I'm not hungry right away in the morning. I tend to stick with Greek yogurt. Sometimes I add in a turkey sausage patty, sometimes I make a healthy breakfast casserole (no eggs, cannot stomach eggs) and omit the Greek yogurt. But it's usually Greek yogurt, with or…
  • I joined a gym and have been keeping up my new lifestyle for a month straight now. I've never done that before in my life. And not health related, I'm planting flowers and bushes. I did jack diddly squat in the yard last year (just got the place in December 2011). Oh!! And possibly trying for a baby. :heart:
  • cranberry pecan chicken salad served up in bell pepper boats, sugar free jello, and a strawberry protein shake from health wise.
  • One of my cats would always get in the way when I was trying to do zumba on the wii. She would just stand in my way and watch the tv. Eventually though, some sort of quick motion move would come up and she would gallop off (she's young and still very crazy playful. Sounds like horses running through our house). I haven't…
  • My trainer had me set my goals to 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein and that brought the protein goal up. If that helps anybody who is complaining about the protein goals on here being too low. I will try to figure out how I did that and post the directions. Edit: Go to goals, click change goals, then mark the circle for…
  • I strive for at least 100 grams per day, but this week I've been averaging 112 grams per day. Protein not only helps fill you, but it curbs your cravings as well. Took my trainer months to drill this into my head.
  • I fed my body instead of just my taste buds. And I stayed within my calories and (most) of my macros (including carbs which I can't seem to stay under in). Oh! And I got enough protein today too!!
  • Yep, mine does and always has. I get so sick of people asking me if I'm ok. My dermatologist thinks I have rosacea and I guess that is a symptom of it.
  • And I thought I was bad with my fear of driving into the city or driving where I don't know the route by heart. I, as someone else said on here, am much more afraid of someone else driving me than me driving myself. You can't control how well someone else pays attention, and lots of people like to look around as they…
  • I love this topic. I think it is the best one I've come across. So inspiring.
  • You might be able to buy something to go around the band under your finger to make it fit better. My gram just wrapped tape around the band several times, but I'm sure that would A. be difficult to get off, and B. leave a gross residue. She doesn't want to pay to have it resized, but I'm pretty sure they make and sell…
  • A. Didn't go to the gym on Monday like I had planned, and for the first time in my life I missed it and felt bad. Old me always felt relief when I skipped the gym. B. Since I've been working out more regularly, my hunger has increased and I get as I call it the munchies monster between breakfast and lunch. I recognized the…
  • I don't eat beef, but I eat other meats. I love these veggie patties, especially when grilled or roasted over an open campfire. Delicious!! And at least the veggie burgers, there's no chance of disgusting gristle.
  • Homemade pizza soup with turkey sausage & turkey pepperoni, and a string cheese stick on the side.
  • Quiet room, almost done with yoga class, and I leave out a fart that echoed in the room. I already wasn't planning on going through with a second round of the class, but that right there sealed the deal. Thankfully that was the last class before a new month of classes started.
  • My heart rate on the treadmill was lower than what it was the first time I stepped on it, going the same speed. I also avoided ordering my "norm" when hubby and I went out to eat this weekend, and got (and enjoyed) a much healthier option. And I really wanted what I normally get too.
  • I love fried pickles. Must try!
  • I had progresso hearty penne with veggies in chicken broth and peanut butter bread. I also had some pretzels from the little birthday party me and a friend threw for another friend at work.
  • My mom always told me to not get into the habit of calling each other names, even when being playful, because it makes it that much easier to call each other names when you are angry. What he said is unacceptable. I agree with what somebody else said, he should sleep on the couch after that. But I also agree that you…
  • I too like these, the convenience of them is why I love them. I don't think two would be too much food, think of it this way... It's vegetables.
  • I have a cupboard full of perfumes I cycle through, all alphabetized (yes, I'm OCD), my favorite of all is Cotton Blossom from Bath & Body works. Smells like you're fresh from the shower. I love it.