

  • :smile: Hi everyone, I am a newbie to this challenge and I am a little late at getting started, but I would still like to challenge my self this month so I am going to set a stretch goal of 75 miles for the remainder of Feb. I am not too sure how to add my tracker here as all of you have done, if anyone can let me know how…
  • :smile: Hi there, I just recently tried a sout of the border buritto and it was the best one I have ever tasted! Its quick and easy too, and if you really lke it double the recipe and freeze for later in the week. You will need: Low fat tortillia wraps 1 cup of mixed veggies I.e. Brocolli, zucini, and sweet bell peppers…
  • :smile: Hi there, I just recently tried a sout of the border buritto and it was the best one I have ever tasted! Its quick and easy too, and if you really lke it double the recipe and freeze for later in the week. You will need: Low fat tortillia wraps 1 cup of mixed veggies I.e. Brocolli, zucini, and sweet bell peppers…
  • Hey there, It's not really the meat that is the problem - that's the protien! I enjoy a burger too, but don't like the extra carbs from the bread/bun so I use a portabello mushroom as my bun. Now - unfortunately, you can't pick it up and eat it with your hands as it would be rather messy (Or go ahead - it's up to you) so I…