orangesumr Member


  • I have a Japenese Chin. She's sooo cute! I would like to get a newfoundland (newfy) soon :)
  • this is me!!! I did this last year and I lost 15 lbs! So, i'm back to losing and wanting to stop snacking at night. My cut off time will be 9pm. Motivation will help me a lot. Thanks!!!!
  • I mark it down as low impact aerobics. And I recently found out that my Dance Central has a workout mode!!! I plan on getting the Zumba kinect game...i'm hoping that it will be fun and a great workout!
  • me too! You can add me :)
  • The only thing that helps me in my lifestyle change is that every day in a new day. don't beat yourself up over misstakes! I try to do something new and better each month. This month i'm trying to exercise 5-6 days a week. Next month maybe i'll watch my portion size and work out 5-6 times a week. It's all about moderation.…
  • i've also made Kale roll ups. You use Kale instead of cabbage or lettuce if you want it to be cold. And then use brown rice or black beans and some veggies and alittle herbs and then you're done. I might have to make the Kale chips...they sound good and they might satisfy my chip cravings!!!
  • I LOVE Quinoa!!!! if you just go to you can find a ton of recipes with Quinoa. But, I have one i know by heart. In fact I just had this for breakfast! 1 cup soaked quinoa 3 Tbsp brown sugar pinch of cinnamon (or to taste) 2 cups water 2 medium apples, peeled and chopped 1 tbsp, butter, divided 1/4 cup milk…