

  • Looking great! Congratulations! :)
  • I do this *everywhere* now!
  • I'm knitviviknit on Ravelry. I spend a lot of time there. :)
  • Hi everyone! I'm a knitter and crocheter who's getting back on the wagon after regaining xx pounds. I was at my goal weight for years, so hope to get back there, but I know the weight won't bounce off the way it hopped on. I'm also on Ravelry, my Rav name is knitviviknit. (I'm Vivian, lillina is my girl-cat's nickname.)
  • Hi All, new here, so I'm recording my claim to be tall :wink: 5'9.5" and love heels, though they make my feet hurt when I wear them for long, so I'm in flats most of my life. I do get tired of being tallest in every group, standing in the back for every photo, etc, but mostly being tall is great. I wouldn't have said so in…
  • You could try subbing a less sugary snack for some of the cantaloupe. But if the cantaloupe is already subbing for something even higher in sugar and/or more processed, I'd stick with the cantaloupe and disregard the number. I eat a lot of fruit too, but hardly any other sweets and I find it a healthy way to eat. As some…
  • Congratulations on making it to MFP and posting! I'm in the same boat as you--at least I was at my goal weight and I've seriously backslid and today's my first day back in a while. I'd love to have someone to connect with while I try to reverse the weight trend. Yeah us!!:smile: ETA: feel free to add me
  • I love this attitude! I'm back after slipping back into some bad habits and regaining weight. This is the first topic I saw and it's exactly what I was telling myself. So my new resolutions: 1. Track everything, even if I keep it secret from my husband (that just shows how bad it got) 2. Weigh in regularly to keep real…