


  • .
  • Hi I'm Vinnie, I enjoy knitting. I've only known it for two years, and I still struggle with making anything that isn't socks. (I find them much easier than for example scarves, which I've managed to knit wrongly twice now. Never wrongly knitted a sock)

    I really want to learn how to knit socks. I feel like socks are the only article of clothing you're allowed to have 10 million of. They'll never go out of style :)
  • Hello! My name is Tiffany and I am super excited that I found this group! I am 21 years old and have been knitting since I was a freshman in high school. I just started crocheting about a month ago and I am super addicted ( especially to amigurumi). I just started my journey to lose 50 pounds a few days ago and I believe that this website has done nothing but help so far. The hardest thing to keep motivated on is the exercise, but the weather has been nice lately, so it hasn't been so bad. Anyway, good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Debbi and I'm a yarn addict. LOL I crochet a lot. Every day. Right now I'm making my niece a bunch of summer shirts.

    I just joined three days ago. I live in Southern California [Palm Springs]. I have four kids they are 26, 32, 21 and 13. I also have three grandsons but they live on the other coast so I don't get to see them. :(

    My main work out is walking. I do it three times a day. Um, I really don't know what else to say. But I will answer any questions gladly.
  • Hi I'm Vinnie, I enjoy knitting. I've only known it for two years, and I still struggle with making anything that isn't socks. (I find them much easier than for example scarves, which I've managed to knit wrongly twice now. Never wrongly knitted a sock)

    I really want to learn how to knit socks. I feel like socks are the only article of clothing you're allowed to have 10 million of. They'll never go out of style :)
    I'm just replying to your counter. I love Jack!!!! And the others too, but mostly Jack.
  • Hello Everyone!
    I'm Ruth, I am 42 and the mother of a 10 year old boy! I have been a yarnoholic for 15 years now. I just joined this site and am very excited to get started! I will be trying out a 90 Day Challenge ( and walking as much as possible.
  • pinkpandangel105
    pinkpandangel105 Posts: 38 Member
    My name is Natalie. I have been crocheting since I was probably 7 yr old. I'm 24 now. SAHM to a 4 yr old son named John and been married for a little over 5 years. I can knit but haven't had the time for it recently. I am horrible at reading patterns even though I wish I could. Trying to lose weight due to bad health running in my family and also hoping that if I get down to a healthy weight it will be easier for us to conceive.
  • suezc
    suezc Posts: 15 Member
    I am a knitaholic for sure. I am presently working on a cape from the winter Vogue magazine and praying it fits. If it does not, it will be close and it will be washed, blocked, and put on my wall to view everytime I fall asleep and wake up. :smile: i belong to a TOPS work group which is a great support system and I have friends at my LYS who are a great help also. Nice to meet all of you.

  • imsmellie
    imsmellie Posts: 103 Member
    My name is Mel.
    I have yet to fully get into the ravelry world but I'm a member with the same smelly name: imsmellie.
    I started knitting as a new years resolution along with re-evaluating my binge eating habits almost one year ago.

    I am not binge free yet, but I am the proud knitter of a few pairs of socks, fingerless gloves, and felted clutches....
    I am ecstatic that knitting helps keep my hands happier and busier than binging as of the moment.

    Keep up the good work!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey!!! I knew all I had to do was keep looking and I'd find kindred spirits! My name is Sue, sueknits4fun on ravelry

    I'm a long time knitter, my mom showed me how when I was 8-ish. Of course I had too many kid things to do at that point but I never forgot! I've been knitting for years now, I have a stash that I will never ever be able to use up, and I have a real passion for sock knitting though I knit just about everything.

    So glad to find you all here!
  • naptural1
    naptural1 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! Im a crocheter! Im doing the mystery afghan CAL on really having fun with it. Learning a lot of new techinques and actually the first time I read a pattern. It was a lot easier than I thought. Anyway Im here to lose this last 20 pounds once and for all. Last time I signed on I was 4 pounds lighter that I am now so its time to get busy! Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Glad to see all the new faces. I've been working on a seems like forever. Having surgery next week...maybe i'll actually get it done during my recovery time. I have something waiting in the wings for me to do...but need to get this sweater for my grandson done first. will be too warm to wear it. Hope it's a little big and will fit him in the fall. :laugh:
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi all, I'm Meara, a 29 year old marketing coordinator in California turning the big 3-0 in a couple months. Married, 2 dogs, looking to start our family sometime this year. Of course that means I have about 40 more pounds to lose before we try (down 10 right now).

    Been crocheting since college, started with scarves, then beanies followed by character beanies (spongebob, mike wazowski, etc), then discovered amigurumi and had fun making a few of those for family members and friends with kids.

    Looking to crochet my first bikini once I hit my goal weight. :)
  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    Hi! I'm Sara. I'm married, with a 3 and a half year old boy.

    I've been knitting for about 12 years off and on, with an break while my son grew up a little so he knew not to touch the knitting. I like to spin a lot too, and tend to go in waves of spinning to knitting. I know crocheting, but tend to choose knitting and save crochet for the embellishments. I do love having plenty of hooks around, I use them for several things. Right now I'm putting off blocking a shawlette and backing up two rows of sock knitting full of twists. I am less than thrilled with this sock, and think it developed the mistake to spite me and my continued effort to knit it.

    I joined MFP by chance after I got the app for my phone, and never really figured out how awesome it was until a few days ago. At my heaviest I was 190 and started here at 186, where I'd been stuck for like a week. Now I'm already down to 184! I haven't really made anything for myself, so I think a nice reward will be yarn for the cardigan I've been envisioning for years.

    Now to lose stash weight too...
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Lynn and I am a spinner, weaver, knitter and rughooker. I also just picked up an antique circular sock knitting machine. You would think with all my fiber hobbies I wouldnt have time to

    Edited to add, I joined MFP for support in this long journey I have undertaken.
  • Hi I'm Sam and I have been knitting since I was a child, I am not very adventurous and mainly knit baby items. I have a huge yarn stash and I am hoping that I can get down to a more "normal" size so that I can knit myself some fab items!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Welcome, new people! :)
  • I'm a 32 year old mother of 3 boys, twin 8 yr olds and a 3 yr old. i work full time in retail. i've been a hooker since i was about 16. love it. i've also recenly quit smoking (14 weeks and counting) so the hookin really keeps my idle hands busy.
    i've tried ww before, and am new to this site. hopefully with the ease of the app on my phone, and the groups and message boards, i'll be able to do what i've never accomplished a healthy weight and a NON-PLUS SIZE size.
  • Hi everyone! I'm a knitter and crocheter who's getting back on the wagon after regaining xx pounds. I was at my goal weight for years, so hope to get back there, but I know the weight won't bounce off the way it hopped on. I'm also on Ravelry, my Rav name is knitviviknit. (I'm Vivian, lillina is my girl-cat's nickname.)
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I'm Ruth and t the moment I'm pregnant with my first :heart: I'm fairly new to MFP but I already know that knitting or crocheting while I watch television keeps me from nibbling. I'm Canadian and I have more than 100 lbs to lose before I reach my goal. I'd love to see some of the socks and mitts and scarves that people make! :heart: