HockeyGirl306 Member


  • I weigh myself each Friday morning, right after I get out of bed (before breakfast or coffee too). I also take my measurements on weigh in day but every two weeks versus every week. This way if I have a couple weeks that are not so encouraging scale-wise, I can still see the results in the measurements. Since you are new…
  • I have 32lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 135 (started at 178.6lbs on 1/09/14). 135lbs was my weight when my husband and I met. Hoping to get there by summer but I know that is a big hope. I wish I had thought to take a pic a week (on weigh in day) so I could see my progress. Never too late to start though.
  • I get this way too! I know I could jog if I just tried it more often and got my endurance up. But then I get too self conscious about what I look like running and go against it. I have to think of it this way, if I saw another person like me on the street jogging, what would I think of that person? I would not be…
  • I am 5'2" and started at 178lbs back on 1/09/14. Currently at 167lbs as of 2/28/14. Eating 1,410 calories and (trying to) walk 3 days a week (also threw in a 30 day plank challenge). I have a tendency to do great during the week, maybe going over calorie limit once a week by 10-20 calories. But then throw it all away on…
  • I'd like to try as well. I need to get some core strength going. =)