dominique353 Member


  • I also have 3 girls. My 4th born is a boy lol I've yet to use the 7min workout app, but I've downloaded it twice ☺️ I'm back to my prepregnancy plateau weight (between 180-187). My youngest are almost 2.5, so I have no excuses except giving all my time to taking care of my kids and giving myself little self care.
  • I just found this thread. I haven't really been in the forum community and just got back on the wagon. A bit about myself: I'm 38 and overweight. Since having kids I've kinda lost my identity. I'm "the lady who has 2 sets of twins", so I feel defined by my kids. I have about 35lbs I'd like to lose this year and to reach my…
  • Better late than never... Two weeks left to stick to the following goals: 1. Do my SL workouts 3x/wk, and focus on form and breathing. Weight goals: Current Goal Squats 60 90 OHP 45 55 DL 55 70 Press 50 65 Row 50 75 2. Drink more water. 3. Eat healthy and at home more often. 4. Go swimming atleast 2x per week for an hour.…
  • This sums up my thoughts on body hair for my ideal man, in addition to having a clean shaven face. I have been with a hairless guy (one who shaved everything below the belt, but I don't remember about the rest) and I found it a little weird that I had more hair than him. Ultimately, if you're comfortable in your own skin…
  • Hi, I was a size 16/18 at 190lbs too. I'm currently under 170 and wearing a 12-14 depending on the store. I don't remember what size I wore back when I was 145.. Maybe a 7/8 or 9/10. It's been so long since I was that small, I don't remember, lol. Ask me again at the end of the summer, if all goes well! I'm also currently…
  • I started at 182. My goal is 150. I'm not sure right now if I want to go lower than that. I was about 125 in high school with almost 6-pack abs (competitive dancing 5 days/week). I look at pics of myself from high school and am grossed out by how thin I was. Maybe I'm just used to being overweight and seeing this weight on…
  • Hi from Ft Sask, AB! Anyone in the vicinity please add me... Would love to find a fitness buddy cuz where exercise is concerned, I'm not very motivated... Let's motivate each other!