

  • Thank you all. I feel better knowing I'm not alone. And I know that one pound a week is good, I just don't want to ever see that pound again. Day my day, yesterday was not so great but today will be better and I will keep trucking along. Thanks for the support.
  • Ive been following a youtube video , Janey zumba at 144lbs for the last few weeks, about an hour zumba workout and I do it off my computer in my office, (Im usually all alone here) nothing makes me sweat more. And its fun
  • Yep the only 2 things I absolutely cannot resist, any kind of pizza and mac nut cookies, yum...
  • Ive been on here, on and off for a couple of years but I just started a total "new me" diet, hoping to drop 40 pounds. It's not easy and I can definitely procrastinate. I live in the boondocks so I will just be doing zumba off of youtube everyday, hopefully at work. I wish you and I both luck, Maybe we could follow each…
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