

  • There is nothing better than when those compliments are given in a "non-hitting-on-you" way, for sure! Gives you the fuel to keep going. Great job!
  • I taught my five year old to swim and she no longer needs her water wings - in addition, she's excited about starting her fifth season of soccer. I'm proud of this because rather than focusing on weight and our appearances (as we did in my home growing up - no offense to my mom - love her, but that's the way it was), we're…
  • This is awesome that so many people were inspired by the Today Show yesterday! I woke up this morning already feeling successful after just one day of tracking, and I hope you all felt the same. Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work - we will all be sharing our own success stories SOMEWHERE over the next few…
  • I can't give you any specific scientific knowledge off the top of my head, but I know that I've read many times that your metabolism begins it's slow-down at age 30, so not only is it difficult to lose gained weight, but it's also harder to stay fit. I know, I know, just add one more obstacle in the weight loss game!…
  • Great job today, everyone! Day one is supposed to be the hardest, but I'm not hungry AND I feel much better, both mentally and physically, since I exercised. Hope you all are feeling great too! If you're like me, the hardest days are going to be the ones where we are insanely busy and have little time to prepare healthy…
  • Hi all! I joined this morning after I watched the Today Show as well - such a great segment. I had a baby six months ago, and I've lost all the baby weight BUT I was 30 pounds overweight when I got pregnant, so that is the thirty that I'm trying to lose. I was once an avid runner, but herniated discs got in my way. In…