

  • Thanks! And welcome! I had a little boy, that makes two for me. I think we might be done... :)
  • I keep finding myself wanting to fall back into my old habits! And it's not like I'm really craving those particular items, it's just that my rebellion kicks in and I eat stuff "just because I can". Or "just because no one's gonna tell me how to eat". And I miss all my yummy cereals too. Kashi just isn't as good as honey…
  • Don't ever eat their salad! But zuppa toscana soup is actually fairly low in calories; for a milk based soup. And half of a lunch size cheese raviolis w/ meat sauce is only about 300 calories. And no breadsticks, of course! I work there, and you can get fat off their food. Stay away from alfredo sauce, the salad dressing,…
  • My personal trainer said the main way to lose weight off of your stomache is to NOT build muscle there. Because what will happen is all the fat that's already there will turn into muscle, but will still be just as bulky. And you'll still have a big tummy. I don't know; he explained it better. Just my 2 cents.
  • Not even worth it!!! I was craving it and about ready to sacrifice everything I've worked for in the last uh... week (yah, i've only been a member for about a week). Anyway, I tried to be proactive and look up the calories BEFORE I ate it, and it was even worse than I thought. so is starbucks. seriously i feel like such a…
  • cooking with a lot of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice or lime juice seems to help flavor-wise. and when i have my cucumbers, i miss my ranch dressing so much! but squirting fresh lemon juice on them is so distracting and powerful that i don't even crave the ranch
  • :sad: yup. you read that right. what can I say?