This is so true, some people call me sad for saying my dog is my best friend, but she really does make everything better, especially if i've had a really crappy day and i come home to her wanting cudlles!The best part of my day is going walking with her :-D xx
I'm so glad you put this, i was going to say your miracle concoction sounds gross!Glad you were teasing ;-)x
I really struggled with this as well. I didnt undertsand how i could eat more and still lose weight!But it is true, like everyone is saying you need to fuel your body for workouts. So if your goal is 1200 cals a day but you excersize and burn 500 cals you should be eating 1700cals total. x
I'm starting today too!Good Luck everyone :-D xx
Try making your own popcorn adding salt if thats what your craving, sweetner or cinnamon if you need something sweet!x
I'm on my final week of the 30DS and have only lost about 2lbs, but ive lost a fair few inches especially on my waist!Go measure yourself and take some pictures, i'm sure you will be surprised with yourself! Good Luck :-D xx
Thanks ;-) i do know this deep down, but it always helps to get it reaffirmed!
I dont want to look like Casper in my Wedding outfit!
Oh my word 100 stones?!? I had about 7 stones in mine and i was in agony, by far the worst pain i have ever been in!You poor thing!Hope your all better now :-) xx
Try Vodka, soda and lime!Yummy!x
I would totally agree with this, i struggled so much the first few days and although i didnt give up and had to take it easier, dont beat yourself up about it, it will get easier, just do as much as you can! Good Luck!x
I started doing the shred 8 days ago, trust me it gets easier as you go on, starting level 2 on saturday, but already i can feel my body getting stronger!!Good Luck x