

  • Sounds good. I'm still going to see if it sticks before I start adjusting my goals
  • And this freeloader has been staying for an astounding *GASP* three days. Best advice to the TC: Show some respect for your husband. Obviously if this was about his stuff being on your treadmill, you'd just tell him to move his damn stuff. This really has more to do with the situation reminding you that the world doesn't…
  • It's just like if you eat nothing in a day, you don't lose all those pounds. Your body always tries to maintain your body weight, so most of that will not be stored.
  • Thanks, I think I'll probably just eat exactly BMR for a few days then change it to 1.5. I want to lose 30 pounds, but what I wanted to do is slow down as I get closer because I'm worried about cannibalization and I'll have different exercise plans throughout the process.
  • Less than your maintenance. BMR is what your maintenance would be if you sat absolutely still and had trained penguins put your food in your mouth and chew it by moving your mandible for you. A lot of topics across this board say eating less than BMR will inhibit your body's calorie burning process
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