That actually puts a lot of other posts regarding calories into perspective
Good luck :)
Ding dading ding ding ding best image hosting
Died and went to heaven
On the mobile app?
How much?
I'm Negan
Awesome! And you gained a tattoo lol
I didn't see this thread getting 1000 replies
As much sauce as you like
That's hella smart
Amazon prime and chill
I'm just gonna hope that I may have got mentioned in the past 806 pages of this post.... #crossesfingers#
Man, I want a kebab now...
Everyone who has posted before this post: YES
I need to read more, I was just as confused by the CDX bit heh
CIA Agent
On both cheeks, third one is her choice
Just found this thread. What an opening picture! I have just hit 250 and don't want to keep creeping up to 300+ like you were. Time to reinstall that 5x5 app!! Also congratulations on the new child :)
But not me :(
Many times
In a cup
Oops here I ammmm
Many times!