soaring_chicken Member


  • I've had some success. Last January my husband and I made some big changes to the way we eat. Salads are the mainstay of our dinners--big salads! I cut out as many refined carbs as possible (although I get major sugar cravings and that's still one I need to beat). I eat only a little meat. I think it actually has a…
  • A naturopath focuses on whole health, health from a holistic view rather than the allopathic model that looks at disease process. A naturopath uses a wide variety of therapies, usually natural such as nutrition, herbs, vitamins/minerals, acupuncture, massage, and others depending on the doctor. An osteopath is different. I…
  • I highly recommend seeing a naturopath if possible. My family doc--nurse practitioner actually--was a joke. Her advice for my poor sleep was to go to bed later to ensure I was tired, and the last time I saw her, she basically said I was lucky to have 7 good days a month and that energy was an elusive thing for everyone.…
  • My "aha" moment came when I did the saliva hormone testing. Prior to that, my naturopath was targetting what she thought was low progesterone and liver function issues, but the hormone testing showed the low cortisol, which of course will affect progesterone. It seems that there is a fine balance between the adrenals,…