Sunny days 1972 Chevelle Work Truck 07 1500 chevy silverado Towing truck 1998 3500 chevy silverado
Exercise in the morning,is also what my doctor has told me. I find this to be true, Set you clocks to get up 45 min. early and walk 30 you will fill great all morning long
I do a lot of canning with tomatoes, salsa and.sauces. You can add me as a friend if you are going to can, or your can freeze most of these.
Nothing......9 pm, BED
Count me in. Think about the C25K? I always wanted to run.
Thats old, and was found to be untrue.
My sister in law had this done, she lost the weight. Going on three years now she has put the weight on + some.I think the change must come from inside, you must be ready tp make the change. Good luck
I would love to be in Freising Germany. I was born there, I have 3 sisters ( a brother who has died) I will never meet and a mother who never want to see her children. But I would love to see what she looks like a long with the country.
Clark here
Working on 4 years smoke free, I used Chantix with no side effects. Good luck!