leesee88 Member


  • ALLRECIPES.COM has a great recipe called Summertime Tilapia. I use less sugar (or none) and I dont use the tequila. Very tasty and very easy.
  • Thank you all for the sites, I will check those out when I am home from work.
  • Based on personal experience and light research: STOP drinking it. It contains aspartame, and most simply put: "While it sounds like a wonderful alternative to sugar, Aspartame has been getting a lot of negative attention since it was first legalized in the United States. When you ingest it, the components of aspartame…
  • Going out to restaurants! I will be at the Irishman with friends tonight but I will eat dinner at home first, and maybe indulge in one drink while I am there... I know if i show up hungry, it will be a caloric disaster! But watching all of my friends eat will not be fun. Hopefully I can hold out :D
  • i have always hated cottage cheese, but my mini goal for this week is to attempt to like it. i will be trying a few of these! thanks!
  • i use her recipes more often than i use WW recipes! she is very creative, and i love the way she understands the concept of being a HUNGRY GIRL and creates dishes large portions with low points :D i highly suggest signing up for the newsletter! i cant tell you how many new products and recipes i have learned about from…
  • i was 19 and overweight. i went to my primary physician with a sprained jaw. his response to my complaint about how difficult it was to eat: "oh good, maybe you will lose some weight then!" yep, thats definitely the advice to give to a teen with a history of eating disorders.
  • me:11 binge:9 i am so happy that i made it through this weekend. i feel very confident about getting through this week!
  • me-8 binge- 8 tied! but i am feeling ravenous today. hopefully all my healthy preportioned snacks can get me through. but i am also donating blood today! oh damn.
  • me:7 binge monster:8 Sort of fell off the radar there. I had a good 3 day streak and then a 4 day disaster. I am on day 3 of another good streak, i really hope to make it atleast 5 days in a row this time. More would be better, ofcourse! But the weekends are still such a challenge...
  • me 5 binge monster 4 almost lost it with a box of lemon heads last night. i was able to stop after 2 servings though, and still remained under my calories. SUCCESS! quite worried about this coming weekend... friday saturday and sunday all have some sort of mothers day eating activity planned. i will have to focus on…
  • basically 6 days a week for 3 weeks. gained 8 lbs. then after 2 days of not binging and staying within my calorie goal, i lost 4. Im pretty sure it was just like that initial water weight loss though.... but i was glad to see it fall off and very encouraged to continue fighting against it.
  • I am right there with you. 2 days ago I finally made a break away from the month-long downward spiral i was in. I am really hoping this is the start of another long stretch of "healthy living" (the last one lasted about 13 months) where i am binge-free but not going crazy from restriction, and commited to my exercise…
  • This is totally normal. The same trend can be found in any addiction! We know its bad, but its hard to walk away from the high. And finding other ways to cope is NOT easy either. I love going out of control with food in that moment, but i hate the affects it has on me immediately afterwards and in the long term. Me-4 Binge…
  • me-3 binge-4 yesterday i discovered with great relief that i wont be needing a maternity bathing suit this summer. I did not binge. i wonder if the stress of my long missed period had anything to do with the damage i did these last 4 weeks. sorry if that is TMI, but i guess its just something to consider. We will see what…
  • me-2 binge monster-4 dont know about today yet :-/
  • I agree with the tea/water/gum chewing/ going to bed early. if that doesnt work, i try yelling at myself for awhile (haha) basically just trying to figure out what it is i actually want besides food. also i find that watching TV triggers cravings for me (i guess i ate in front of the TV as a child) and I try to get away…
  • this is very interesting and helpful. thank you.
  • ugh me-1 binge monster- 2 and i am going back to weight watchers tomorrow as well. i need all the support i can get.
  • Thank you!
  • hmm. i guess i forgot about this challenge tuesday night around 10 pm. well anyways wednesday night= SUCCESS!. Probably overdid it with the peanutbutter during the day, but i stayed under my calorie limit and i made it through the night hours. (major accomplishment at this point.) I have high hopes for tonight as well.…
  • I just switched from the pill to Nuvaring 3 weeks ago. I wanted to see if my birth control was the cause of my plateau. I gained 3 pounds, mostly because i suddenly feel like a bottomless pit and i keep shoving food in my mouth. I never feel satisfied even if i eat until my stomach hurts. I googled it, and some other women…
  • I really want to say that I am in. Well, I am in. The binge monster in me is fighting though. Ill take it one day at a time.... so TODAY I will not binge. Thats a big step at this point. I will check back in tomorrow!
  • oh my god, the relief/ disappointment when I dont have access to binge foods, or when im waiting for someone to leave the kitchen so i can binge in peace. i literally feel like i have an angel and devil on my shoulders. so crazy! yesterday: entire bag of turtle chex mix panera bagel 7 chicken wings 1 cup icecream rueben…
  • ive wished so many times that eating wasnt actually necessary so i could just avoid it all together. one bite can open the door to disaster.
  • i really wish i could say i overcame this.... i thought i did. Through 14 months of WW this behavior completely disappeared for me. it came back and I am so ashamed. honestly, I am quite happy in my life (or so I think) so I cant really point the finger at the usual suspects (stress, unhappiness, lonliness, etc). if I ever…
  • it looks like you are doing better today though?
  • oh by the way it was all like 1500+ calories.
  • 2 nights ago I ate: 3 reeses eggs 5 reeses mini cups 5 mini mr good bars ALL SLATHERED IN PEANUT BUTTER then i had 2 poptarts that i put butter all over. oh yea and 2 bowls of cheerios with milk. This followed a very healthy day of good calories and working out. sigh.