I can't say as I ever find an issue with this. I always look at the menu and see that I can make vegan if it isn't already. For example it seems to be about 50/50 whether pizza bases are made with milk or not, so after asking the waiter to check, I'll order a veggie pizza with no cheese. I also ask the waiter if any of the…
What an amazing transformation. Very well done :-)
I've left you some feedback. Overall I think you have some very good shots in there, but it looks like you don't edit a lot of your photos. It is well worth doing as tiny tweaks can make a big difference. I don't know what you use, but Picasa from google is fantastic for most things. I spend most my day doing graphic…
PHENOMENAL! What an amazing transformation.
Joyce, that is the most stunning portraiture I have ever seen! Absolutely beautiful photography. The combination of creativity, interaction and perfect execution is a true joy to behold. It makes me wish I wasn't the other side of the pond, otherwise I would book my family in for a photoshoot with you in a heartbeat. What…
I've been vegan nearly a year and veggie 20 and I've never even considered taking a protein powder. I think they are unnecessary unless you are really struggling to get anywhere near the recommended daily allowance.
Fantastic effort, well done! Keep up the good work.
That's brilliant. What a great effort that must have taken. Very impressive.
I know what you mean, but on the whole I love my mock meats. Not only are the high in protein, I like the flavour, but, if they are too realistic, I really don't like them. Going back 6 or 7 years I used to love the Linda McCartney country pies, but I stopped eating them before I turned vegan as I found them too meaty.…
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It's stayed closed since Lent started on Wednesday. I am sat here with a rumbling tummy, but there is no way I am going to break it. Hopefully I can get used to keeping it closed through Lent and then continue it for good after, but we shall see!
I'm fasting from 8.30pm to 8.30am. I have always been a bit of a night owl any time between 10pm and midnight I often have a big bowl of cereal, or toast, biscuits etc. It's amazing how much extra will power Lent gives you.
My mum used to get terrible migraines from it and she doesn't even drink any type of soda. She didn't know what was causing it until she started doing a food diary and worked out it was aspartame giving her the migraines. It's amazing how many products it is in. She hasn't had a migraine for about 5 years now.
I've given up eating between 8.30pm and 8.30am. I'm a bugger for late night snacks/meals, so this should help me shed a few pounds quicker and fasting is rather apt for Lent.
When I met my wife 17 years ago I weighed about 190lbs. I'm 6ft 1" and I look good at that weight as I've always been naturally stocky. I had a very physical job at the time (fitting tractor and truck tyres all day). My wife was 5ft 3" and weighed 115lbs. About a year after we me I got in to sales and the weight piled on.…
9 years ago a customer came in to work saying he was opening a piercing shop and wanted a banner. I quoted him and he pleaded poverty, so I ended up doing a deal where he paid for half the banner and despite me only having a piereced ear in the past, I traded the other half of the banner for a Prince Albert.
Giving up meat is a great thing to do for lent. Last year I gave up dairy (I was already a lacto vegetarian) and thought it would be impossible because of my love for cheese, which I had most days. Within 4 or 5 days I was amazed how easy I was finding it, so made the switch to vegan there and then and have never looked…
Vee-gun for sure. I've never heard it pronounced any other way.
Ethical vegan here! Friend request sent :-)
Hi, I have been using corn derived Glucosamine for the last 7 or 8 years and I swear by it. I have arthritis in my hip (not sure if this link will work = Twice in the last 7 years I have stopped taking it, once as a test and…
I've always adored Marmite! I stopped eating it last year though when I found out it was owned by Unilver. I eat Natex now. It's good, but Marmite is in a class of it's own.
I don't buy any product that is from a subsidiary company of Unilever. I don't think they should be commended at all. All they are doing is passing the buck by saying they only test on animals when the government say they need to. Like you stated in your post, they could just avoid those areas, but they don't. They are…
Hi all, I went lacto ovo vegetarian when I was 19 (20 years ago) purely for ethical reasons. I had said for all that time I would love to go vegan, but there is no way I could give up cheese. It was only when I joined that I really opened my eyes to what goes on in the farming world. I changed to lacto…