

  • Hello, I just started today. I'm 35 and need to lose 10-15 pounds and am also trying to quit smoking at the same time. Your plan seems really good, soda's and fast food add lots of extra calories. Do you work out? I will help you stay motivated :)
  • Hey, I just started today and I am 35. I want to lose 10 pounds, but a friend of mine who told me about this has already lost 46 pounds in about a year! I am also trying to quit smoking during all of this, which I have a fear of gaining extra weight from that. Trying to stay focused....Good luck :)
  • Hey guys, I just started this today, as it was recommended from a great friend of mine who has lost 46 pounds from using this! It has been truly amazing to see his transformation. So, I noticed that there is an app for the ipad, is there an app available for smart phones?