

  • well i've made it through 9 days but i had a colonoscopy done :sad: and well if anyone has had one you know you can't eat anything the day before or the day of until after :frown: So i had dinner that night and a snack later :devil: because is was the only thing i had eaten in 2 days. So i don't know if that means i'm out…
  • I'm in too ! my cut off time is after supper about 6:30 - 7:00pm but either way no snacking after supper ...weekdays and weekends.. I just said that to myself a few days ago an have been sticking to it so far, so i'm soo in.. :heart: kelly :heart:
  • well if you go over your calories you will gain weight , if you keep eating between 1300-1800 calories you will maintain your current weight if you eat 1200 and excersize you will loose weight easily ..For motivation hang up a picture in your kitchen of yourself the way you want to look or a picture of someone who has a…
    in HELP!! Comment by jamiesgurl April 2009
  • The marriage boat that's funny lol, hope my marriage boat only has a salad bar lol ,my little one is 4 months old .. an i'm sure that does have alot to do with why it's so hard right now but i'm sticking to it , i've lost 7 pounds in less then 3 wekks so that's prety good , i'm just tired of wearing jogging pants and pj's…
  • ya i know what you mean ashnblake ,i used to be able to loose weight so easily before the baby, i was so active and thin as you can see i made my ticker with a pic of my old waist and hips lol an the weight just seems to be sticking on there like glue, lol ,and now i'm too drained out to work out ,but if at first you don't…
  • thanks lauramg for the good luck this baby weight just doesn't seem to wanna come off lol and i do love this site .. it's great .. an yes i find the ppl very friendly aswell..good luck with your weight loss journey too ...:smile: :happy: :heart: :heart: kelly aka jamiesgurl:heart: :heart:
  • :heart: Hey everyone just wanted to say hi, my name is kelly an i'm trying to loose 30 lbs of baby weight ,I wish everyone luck with thier weight loss, an cross your fingers for me .I used to be so athletic an thin an now i just feel like i have no energy to workout anymore atleast for now , baby is not sleeping throught…