ruralhipster Member


  • I'm working in Redwater for the next couple week does that count?
  • It gets to the point where you will pick any package and the first thing you look at on the nutrition info is the sodium, then the calories.
  • Thanks for the story, It's so reassuring to read about the trials and tribulations of others on this journey.
  • I'm in. Roy from Didsbury, Alberta (45 minutes north of Calgary) Any Albertans want more friends feel freel to add me as I will be on here for a while yet to get down to my goal weight.
  • I work at a mobile accommodation (a work trailer) I have only 7' by 3' space to workout in so I am fairly limited but I bring out a yoga mat and resistance bands. I do push ups, side leg lifts and crunches on the floor, then resistance band chest press, bicep curl, tricep pulldown and bent over row with the bands using a…
  • I used to give myself a Friday treat day before I started logging calories and increasing my exercise. Even eating well the other 6 days a week I still was hovering at the same weight after 3 months. I'm amazed at the all the crap I will eat because I have given myself a free day. I find it easier to give myself many small…
  • I'm in, sometimes just knowing people are looking in helps me in making smarter decisions.
  • Hi, My name is Roy and I'm hoping to pull inspiration from fellow members of this group. If you are male, approaching 40, or a Canadian, I definitely want to hear from you and share in your journey.