I feel your pain. My mother's side is Celtic and German, my father's side if Italian and Venezuelan. So we eat. A LOT. We eat to socialize, we eat to comfort, we eat to celebrate, we eat to mourn. Oh, and we DRINK LIKE NUTCASES. Or at least, they do. I don't like getting drunk, and my family doesn't know when to stop…
I totally understand your situation, I get it a lot around my family, too. We are definitely an eating sort of family, all around. First and foremost, in the future, explain to your family what you are trying to do for yourself, and how much of a struggle it is for you. They love you, and should support you in your quest…
I *definitely* intend to get plastic surgery after the weight loss is all over and done with. I have considered it many times, gone back and forth, and finally decided that it was worth it. It is more than just a vanity thing for me: I have had back problems since I was 15 because of my breast size. And before anyone says…
I think your friend was being oversensitive. You were stating a fact. In the future, though, perhaps you can phrase it: "Wow! You look great! Have you lost weight?" on the off chance that maybe she hasn't lost weight (maybe she even gained it) and that was why she was offended, maybe? I dunno, people are weird, but it is…
I try to stick between 1200 and 1500 a day. I am *basically* exactly the same body type as you (26yrs, 5'6"-5'7", hovering around 190lbs at the moment, shooting for anywhere between 120lbs and 140lbs--no actual number, more just a figure in the mirror that I am happy with kind of thing). I read something interesting the…
If you have lost a lot of weight recently and your skin hasn't had a chance to shrink up (elasticity and all that) if can give a person a look of being very gaunt. *Especially* if you are stilling wearing your old clothes, which hang off of your newly trimmed frame. Just look at some pictures of Drew Carey *right* after he…
Get a personal trainer. My gym offers a package of 10 sessions for $400. I would buy two of those, and some new gym clothes and shoes if I have $1000 extra laying around. And then I'd use the trainer 3 or 4 times a week, since I'd have 20 sessions and having a trainer basically there to *make* me workout that often (which…
Absolutely. There is so little chicken in it, you only get a piece every five or so bites =)
I actually know of a GREAT substitute! Cauliflower! You put fresh cauliflower into a food blender and puree till it is about the consistency of rice, and then microwave it in a covered dish. Cauliflower has enough of its own moisture that it will just get nice and fluffy like rice is! :smile:
I recently read an article that was talking about how to deal with plateaus, because they are an inevitability for everyone trying to lose weight. The article suggested changing up your calories for a little bit: If you are eating a low carb diet, switch to a high carb one, or vice versa. Or if you averaging 1500 calories…
My boyfriend went through a period where he was so dead broke between school and a poorly paying job that his food budget was literally about $30/month. And he made it work, and he lost a lot of weight on it. His daily meals consisted of a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, lunch was a full bag of frozen veggies with some…
Oh, my god, that is a *horrid* thing for someone to say! But, it is a divine idea for a t-shirt of exercise pants. Hrmmm...maybe I should sell those in my etsy shop? Hahahaha