Anyone seriously considering plastic surgery?

I'm wondering if anyone is realistically looking at plastic surgery when their weight loss journey is all over (and I don't mean a "yeah I dream about it but I'll never afford it" type thing. I mean people who have gone for consultations, etc.)?

I am seriously considering a big of a breast lift when things are over and done with (maybe for my 1 year at goal anniversary or something...). After having and nursing 2 kids the girls are in desperate need of some help. I'm not sure I'd want an augmentation but rather a lift and re-shape? ha.

I'm not a fan of being put under but I'm incredibly self conscious about my breasts as it is. I'd be doing it for me (and I guess hubby ;))

Right now they look like 2 fried eggs hanging from a rusty nail :P

So, are you thinking about plastic surgery? For what? Have you had plastic surgery? Can you share your stories? Pictures?



  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I do, but not for a while. I'm pregnant with my first so I want to get them lifted and shaped after I'm sure I'm done having kids.
    From gaining and losing weight my whole life, they're a little saggier than I'd like at 22. But that's mainly because they are huge :X haha I haven't gone in for a consult or anything, but I am absolutely sure I will be getting them done.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I've been thinking about getting a breast enlargement.

    But it's going to cost over $7000 - which is so much money.

    Also I am finding as I lose weight my breasts are looking better and better - they have always been on the small side and gravity is reaching for them (I am 35) but they are nicely shaped so I'm not sure what the future holds surgery wise...

    But I have chosen my surgeon and I am aware of which days he consults so it's not out of the question... I'll reasses once I'm at my goal weight (hopefully end of August)
  • milkandtea
    milkandtea Posts: 116 Member
    Absolutely. I know that a lot of people are against it but I'm young - I want my body to match my age. I don't know what my body is going to look like after I lose the weight but I fully intend on correcting any loose skin or sagging.
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    I went from a size 38 G to now a 36 D but I have to literally almost fold my breast tissue back into the cup because there is so much excess. (sorry for the visual :-{ )I look like I have had children and I can't even have children of my own... They are ALRIGHT I guess and my husband loves them (they are boobs and he is a straight male lol) but I DON'T LOVE THEM and once I get back from a trip I am taking to see my family I am going to a plastic surg. for a consult. I know it will cost a lot but I will FEEL BETTER, RUN BETTER, SLEEP BETTER, LOOK BETTER... so to answer your question, yes lol
  • I went through a huge weight loss once before, and actually had a tummy tuck when I was 28. It was worth every penny and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I thought I was done having kids, but I was wrong--now I'm fat again, and my stomach muscles are stretched out again, and now I need another one, for all the same reasons I needed the first one.

    I will say that it was far more painful of a recovery than I expected. I don't know how breast surgery would be. My tummy tuck was a "full" with muscle repair, so it was hip to hip. I had fully unmedicated childbirths with both my kids, and to me, they were a walk in the park compared to waking up after my tummy tuck. Pain on a scale I have never experienced before or since, and the morphine didn't help at all. Recovery was no joke either. Like I said, I don't know that breast surgery would be this involved, but for my tummy tuck, I was completely dependent on help for a few days. I couldn't get up, go to the bathroom, take a shower, nothing by myself. If I was hungry and no one was there, I just laid there and went hungry because it hurt too much to get up by myself. There were "drains" implanted into the incisions, they were tubes that were sewn in that came out of the incisions and were attached to bags. These had to emptied whenever they filled up, every few hours or so. Over the first few days, they filled up less and less frequently as the body began to heal. Recovery from surgery just isn't pretty. Be prepared for someone close to you who won't be all prissy about it to help you.

    The results were picture perfect though. I just couldn't imagine being 28 years old and never being able to comfortably wear a bathing suit in public again. I paid $8500, and it included post surgery liposuction if needed, as well as any corrections needed post surgery for up to one year.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'd rather just get some nice bras that make you look amazing. :P

    I'm not a fan of going under the knife unless things were unrepairable or causing me health problems.
  • I had a mommy makeover back in 2006 after having two children. My boobs (size 36 C) sagged and my stomach always had to be lifted to button my pants. I had consults with several docs to see if it was an exercise and diet problem. Something that I could fix on my own. The consensus was that the connective tissue in my abdomen was stretched out and would not go back to its original state. Lots of saggy skin too. My boobs were so flat and long that I had to pick them up to put them in my bra. Great visual hugh? I was not happy with my physical appearance and I was only 26 years old. I went in looking for a simple boob lift, but it was highly recommended to me that I get implants as well. They said that without the implants I would have "ski slope" boobs after the lift. Doc checked to see if I had enough fat in the tissue he was removing to shape them better, but I did not.
    The ultimate question I had to face was whether I wanted to live with the saggy skin every where or the scars from the procedures. I chose the scars. I found that I heal very well and the scars are hardly visible.
    I weighed 175 lbs, size 14 and was 5'2 when I had the procedure. The whole experience motivated me to eat better and exercise more too. Within 6 months post op I weighed 145 lbs and was in a size 6.
    The recovery is painful, but the results last. I have had another baby since then and my stomach is flat as a board with no excess skin this time. I was even able to breast feed my daughter- which was a concern of mine. I was not planning on having more children at the time I had my surgery.
    I had my procedure done in Scottsdale, AZ and it cost around $15K.
  • ladygrly
    ladygrly Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there, I am not a fan of needles and knives to change your 'face', but I think a breast lift is a different story. I would go ahead and do it. You only live once so make the most of it!
  • considering implants. haven't gone for a consultation but i'm already saving money. i guess it depends on how the girls look when i reach my goal but i want them to just be rounder and perkier and stuff haha :)
  • I *definitely* intend to get plastic surgery after the weight loss is all over and done with. I have considered it many times, gone back and forth, and finally decided that it was worth it.

    It is more than just a vanity thing for me: I have had back problems since I was 15 because of my breast size. And before anyone says or thinks that I had/have back problems because I am overweight, here is a picture of me at 18:


    which is roughly how I was built at 15. I didn't start putting weight on until I was late, late 19 and then into my early 20s--and then I put on A LOT. When I was 15-18 I was *maybe* 20lbs overweight, *MAYBE.* I certainly wasn't buff or toned: I had a minute jiggle to my tummy and thighs, but I wasn't anywhere near where I am now.

    So yeah, I have serious back problems because of the girls, but have been told that I can't do anything about it until the weight is lost, because no insurance company will cover the cost if they can attribute it to my weight issues.

    And let's face it, for us larger chested ladies, when we gain weight, the girls are the first to let us know and they're the first to go, so when my weight loss journey is over and I have maintained it for a suitable time and have the spare money, these puppies are *SO* going to get a "face lift" haha!

    And yes, I *do* still have that dress, and I'll be damned if I can't get back into it someday ^_^
  • Wash me up, lay me on the table ad cut and suck it all.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Went to a consultation last week. If I had the money I'd be booking my appointment.
    One of the worries I have is that having bigger boobs will get in the way of my running and exercise.
    Good luck with making your decision.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I have to wait to see how they end up when I am done but I would like to if needed.
  • ctwm84
    ctwm84 Posts: 31 Member
    I have considered it, but we will see what my stomach looks like first if I manage to lose all this weight. Plus I dont know if I am done having kids. I only have one, and I may want another one in a year or two, who knows. I would definitely NOT get a tummy tuck until AFTER I get my tubes tied. If Im gonna spend that kind of money on my body I am going to make damn sure I wont get pregnant agian.
  • Tracyramos1220
    Tracyramos1220 Posts: 66 Member
    I am definitely getting a mommy makeover after I get to my goal weight of 160 to reward myself. I am currently 186. It will probably take a couple of months. After, 11 pregnancies and 9 births, I figure I earned it. My body has been through the ringer. BUT, I will not get it until I have put in the hard work of losing the weight. I want to be as close to my goal weight as possible to get the most of the surgery.

    By the way, CWADE, I posted before/after pictures of my 24 day challenge on the other thread if you want to check it out! There is a huge difference. I lost a total of 9 pounds and 10.75 inches. Very happy with the results. :) Hope you are doing well on your challenge.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    I would definitely consider getting breast surgery, and probably microdermabrasion for stretchmarks. After getting pregnant young, my boobs ballooning - and I mean ballooning, a nice perky 34d (UK) to a massive 38G - and then shrinking down again, they are awful. Despite being a 34d again they aren't as perky, and they certainly aren't as filling of the bras as they once were. So once my weight loss is finished, I'll re-evaluat the size I want to be, just as long as they fill out nicely (nothing over the top) and they are perkier I'd be happy.

    Microdermabrasion (although a non-surgical cosmetic procedure) is something I'd definitely get. My doctor has never sene stretchmarks as bad as mine, and almost 2 years on they look worse than some people who have just had babies. It's the only way they'll ever have the chance of fading and I don't want to be depressed over them forever.
  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm definitely getting a mommy makeover when I reach my goal weight. Hubby is all for it. :)
    I went from a 38B to a 42 DD with my first child and had two more children after that. Needless to say, I have way more skin than tissue and it isn't pretty.

    I also have a muscle separation in my belly and I already have loose belly skin -- even at this weight. I'm kind of scared of how much more lose skin I'll have there once I reach my goal weight.

    So I have about two years before I'll be ready for surgery. In the meantime, I'm working on reaching my goal weight and we're paying off bills now so that when I do reach goal weight, we'll be able to afford the surgery.

    My biggest concern right now is figuring out who can help me with the kids the first few weeks while I recover. But I think it's a small price to pay for having my old body back!
  • cibilbee
    cibilbee Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going to a consultant a breast lift/small enlargement (after the wedding I am bridesmaid in is over). I have always been self conscious of that area but since my 80 lbs weight loss it is out of control. I buy nice bras and most people cant tell my issues until I point them out but I notice how things are under the shirt and I am just not comfortable with it. I am all for doing what is going to make you feel better as long as you are doing it for you. I am doing just enough so I am comfortable with the body I have earned. If no one can tell I even had it done that's great as long as I am happy with what is underneath. My friend just had it done and absolutely recommends it to anyone who is seriously considering it
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I would have a boob job in a HEARTBEAT!!!
  • After my first 60 I did have exces skin removed from my abdomen, and it was the best decision ever made and well worth the money. I may have to revision after my journey is over for any that may be there again from the last 38 I will have lost at the end.