SoonCee Member


  • Funny, cause my husband & I had this very conversation last night! I've been going through the same thing & downloaded an app on my iPhone called RunKeeper. I tried MapMyRide, but it's a big waste of time because it doesn't track how many cal. you burn...RunKeeper does & it's free! It also tracks GPS, avg. min/mi.,total…
  • Thanks for sharing this link! It does have some great recipes.....I can't believe you have lost 125 pds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw your photo's & you look beautiful...I also like your Isa. quote ;)
  • Thanks for the feedback... Especially the whole wheat wonder bread! I love sandwiches...I'm an old WW vet & one thing I loved was you could basically cook the same thing over again & know your pts. for the day... Looking for something similar with good recipes. If you know of a post or chat room please let me know! I'm all…
  • Excited about doing this! Saw it on the "Today" show & glad to know this is free! Can't afford WW anymore, but noticed this is very similar w/ tracking food, exercise, etc. Need to lose 50 pds...First step today...