

  • I do weight training as my main workout and supplement it with insanity. I am mostly sore when I do insanity but it helps with my cardio fitness which is not very good. But I think eating well and doing insanity faithfully on its own will do wonders.
  • Just finished with day 8 despite my legs aching. I feel refreshed and ready for bed. Good job to everyone who endured today!
  • Hi. I'm Ian from England. I started insanity a few days ago and it's been good so far. My only problem is time as I also do weight training. My aim is to do insanity as cardio workout, as my cardio fitness is terrible. And also to lose body fat. I may be skipping some days like today and tomorrow but will try and follow…
  • Hello. I hope I could sustain this as I'm doing weight training as well... Sk 53 Pj 49 Ok 82 Pj 37 Gj 9 Sj 18 Pj 25 Lpo 52
  • Hi. I'm also doing insanity. Just started with the fit test yesterday and the pylo cardio circuit today. My cardio fitness isn't very good so this will be trying for me. I also hope I could fit this in to my busy schedule. Let's cheer each other up! Ian