dancinonwater22 Member


  • I suffer from OCD as well as Generalized Anxiety Disorder and panic attacks. This makes life... And weight loss.... Quite difficult. I am on prozac for my anxiety issues. I have lots of issues regarding my OCD, including arranging, doing things until they feel "just right", and many other more internal thought process type…
  • I still can't figure out how to post pictures, but I've got a bunch of motivational pictures that I made on my profile, if you would like to check them out! Whenever Im feeling down or want to eat when Im not hungry, I look at them and they motivate me to stay healthy and keep going!
  • Also- I had this whole beautiful blog post about what a "dancer's body" really is, and how it wasn't about be painfully thin, but doing what's best for my body, but then I accidentally deleted my account, so you guys can't see that anymore :( My dance studio is so focussed on the fact that a dancer can come from any body…
  • I totally understand your concerns, I sometimes worry about the people who posted those images originally, but Im losing weight because i care about my body, not it's size or shape, so much as how healthy it is. I'm really just trying to be at a healthier weight. When I started losing weight, I was just on the line of…
  • Hi everyone! I have really started to embrace the idea of "eating like a naturally skinny person". What I mean by that is, only eating what my body really needs and not focusing my life on food. I also started a blog! I want to be able to encourage other people to work through emotional eating and live like a "naturally…
  • I also am really loving the Halloween costume idea! I have always wanted to dress up as superheroes with all my friends, so i think ill be buying a spandex wonderwoman costume that will show off my body this year!
  • Thanks for all the tips! It means a lot that you guys care. I just weighed myself today, and im down another 4pounds! I can't even believe it! Im really losing! And i am on meds for the anxiety, it was just so bad that even with therapy i couldn't deal, but its getting better! Todays feeling a bit like a cheat day,…
  • If anyone reads this, please just post something to let me know that someone out there cares what I do. Ill follow you too, I promise! It would be really great to know that some random stranger is rooting for me! Even better, friend me! To my old friends: sorry i lost the old account, idk what happened, but friend me again…
  • Oh wow there's a lot of secret goals I won't tell anyone... Hehe. Well I honestly do want to fix my relationship with food, to think of it as fuel rather than comfort, so that I can be healthy as I get older, but there are definitely some other more... Well... Shallow goals I have for myself. I want to wear a leotard in…
  • It's been a pretty eventful week weight-loss wise... I've definitely had a few slips- a milkshake, fries, and even a litle bit of a binge day on friday, but I've also started to actually see the effects of my weight loss! An old pair of skiny jeans fits! My newer jeans are super loose, and i just tried on some old pairs of…
  • Hey guys, its me again. I somehow deleted my old account, but I'm back! I've also had some serious set backs having to do with my anxiety and such (those of you who know me know I struggle with an anxiety disorder), but I've lost about 5 pounds so far, and I want to lose at least another 10 before the summer. Hopefully I…
  • I think the best compliment is the truly heartfelt, genuine one that might sound a little funny or whatever, but that's only because there aren't words to explain their feelings. Also, a genuine, you are a beautiful person (meaning inside and out) can really go a long way!
  • I've only lost 5 pounds, but my best friend said to me, "I really can tell youve lost some weight." I know its not much, and she was probably lying, but it still made me smile :)