dancinonwater's weight loss journey

As of the first day of 2012, I am officially commited to losing all the unwanted unneccisary fat on my body. I am a teenager and a dancer, and I want to be able to enjoy every aspect of my life without worrying about whether or not people will notice how fat i am. I, luckily, have decided to make a change before I really reached an unhealthy weight because I want to be happy and healthy for my entire life, or at least as happy and healthy as is within my control. I set up this thread as a kind of motivation for myself. As recommended by another member, I am going to take pictures in my bikini every week until I reach my goal.

I weight about 130lb now, and I plan to lose at least 0.75lb per week.
This means I will lose 9lbs by spring break (I'm going to Florida!) and will be at my goal weight of 115lb by June (bikini season!).
I will wieght in and post new pics every week, so wish me luck!


  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey guys, its me again. I somehow deleted my old account, but I'm back! I've also had some serious set backs having to do with my anxiety and such (those of you who know me know I struggle with an anxiety disorder), but I've lost about 5 pounds so far, and I want to lose at least another 10 before the summer. Hopefully I am getting my anxiety under control, which I know will be so helpful for weight loss because I am a total emotional eater! I was contemplating ways to motivate myself when I remembered this thread and immediately felt guilty for deserting it! This really is the motivation I need to keep going because you guys will hold me accountable! Please post something or message me if you'll follow me on my journey, and I'll follow you too! It would be so great to know that somebody really cares if I reach my goals!

    Anyway, back to my soon-to-be-skiny life:
    There are a few mottos that I am trying to live by and I would like to share with you. My favorite, which is even more of a philosophy, is "Food is fuel!" I actually heard Michelle Obama say this in some interview when she was questioned about how she maintains her weight, and it inspired me! Food shouldn't be used as comfort, it is simply fuel, and I want to give my body just the amount it needs of the highest quality fuel! Another one I say to myself when I am debating eating something I don't need is, "It's not an option." This just reminds me that it is not an option because I don't need it, and it actually really helps! I've denied juice, cake, soda, and even milkshakes with that motto in mind! Please share any mottos that help you lose weight and eat healthy!

    Bye for now,
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    It's been a pretty eventful week weight-loss wise... I've definitely had a few slips- a milkshake, fries, and even a litle bit of a binge day on friday, but I've also started to actually see the effects of my weight loss! An old pair of skiny jeans fits! My newer jeans are super loose, and i just tried on some old pairs of skiny jeans and now every pair of jeans in my drawer fits. I've been saving some of my old jeans from years ago in the back of my drawer for when i FINALLY lost weight, and now THEY FIT!!!!! I'm by no means done losing, but I'm doing it! And this has motivated me to stop the binging and get working because it is working! I might not see it, but my friend noticed and my parents noticed, and I'm so proud of this! I'm really doing this!
    My weight loss has also motivated my parents! They're having some trouble logging every day, but I really hope that they can do it too!

    Bye for now,

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    If anyone reads this, please just post something to let me know that someone out there cares what I do. Ill follow you too, I promise! It would be really great to know that some random stranger is rooting for me! Even better, friend me! To my old friends: sorry i lost the old account, idk what happened, but friend me again please! I miss you guys!
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    If anyone reads this, please just post something to let me know that someone out there cares what I do. Ill follow you too, I promise! It would be really great to know that some random stranger is rooting for me! Even better, friend me! To my old friends: sorry i lost the old account, idk what happened, but friend me again please! I miss you guys!

  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Congrats on your successes so far :)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Congrats and keep at it. Anxiety will get better in time. Breathe, sleep(get good sleep) and NO caffeine. It's been slow going but I had some really bad anxiety that led to panic attacks on several occasions. Doing normal everyday things like driving, going to a movie(waiting in lines), walking through the grocery store(I'd get lightheaded and faint feeling then it would move to shortness of breath and irregular heartbeats, sometimes faster sometimes feeling like it was stopping). My heart checks out good though, been to cardio. I have done absolutely no drugs and haven't even seen a psychologist though I wouldn't mind I just have to jump through some hoops. I'd rather try to avoid meds.

    Find music or songs you like and carry a mp3 player with you so you can pop the earbuds in and find some comfort if you have to when you are out. I know how hard it can be for exercise and weight loss. Anxiety takes the big portion of attention and we really can't do much about it. If we could we'd just turn it off but we can't not that easily. If we can make it through anxiety we can make it through losing weight.
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! It means a lot that you guys care. I just weighed myself today, and im down another 4pounds! I can't even believe it! Im really losing! And i am on meds for the anxiety, it was just so bad that even with therapy i couldn't deal, but its getting better! Todays feeling a bit like a cheat day, considering there's so much candy in the air, but im still gonna try for the most part, and im gonna keep going because i can't stop Now! I am so proud of myself!
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! It means a lot that you guys care. I just weighed myself today, and im down another 4pounds! I can't even believe it! Im really losing! And i am on meds for the anxiety, it was just so bad that even with therapy i couldn't deal, but its getting better! Todays feeling a bit like a cheat day, considering there's so much candy in the air, but im still gonna try for the most part, and im gonna keep going because i can't stop Now! I am so proud of myself!

    Stay with it, you can do it!!!
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I have really started to embrace the idea of "eating like a naturally skinny person". What I mean by that is, only eating what my body really needs and not focusing my life on food. I also started a blog! I want to be able to encourage other people to work through emotional eating and live like a "naturally skinny" person. Here's my blog:
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    I stumbled upon your post - just wanted to say best of luck to you, keep up the good work. My only concern is the pictures you have posted under your log in name - to me they all look like girls/women who are on the verge of anorexia. It's one thing to be healthy and fit but I'm not sure that's what I think of when I see these images. I know this is an unsolicited opinion on my part, but I had to put it out there.
  • jea155
    jea155 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with that last post! how much weight are you planning on losing? and when does it become too much? I think we all know the stereotype of the trained dancer pushing themselves so hard to get to where they want to be and then have no energy to do the thing they love most. Don't be som concerned with the number on the scale.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    I stumbled upon your post - just wanted to say best of luck to you, keep up the good work. My only concern is the pictures you have posted under your log in name - to me they all look like girls/women who are on the verge of anorexia. It's one thing to be healthy and fit but I'm not sure that's what I think of when I see these images. I know this is an unsolicited opinion on my part, but I had to put it out there.

    The images appear to come from a pro-ana site...
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally understand your concerns, I sometimes worry about the people who posted those images originally, but Im losing weight because i care about my body, not it's size or shape, so much as how healthy it is. I'm really just trying to be at a healthier weight. When I started losing weight, I was just on the line of overweight, and my body fat percentage was not in the healthy zone, so I decided that I wanted to do something before it got out of control. My relationship with food was really unhealthy- food was my comfort through all my anxieties, and I ate and ate until I felt absolutely sick, and then I ate some more because my anxiety was still there- so I really just want to repair my relationship with food, because food is fuel, not a best friend, and I'm trying to eat when I'm hungry, not when I'm anxious. I really appreciate that you guys are looking out for me, it means a lot, but I assure you that I'm doing this to be healthy, not to be unhealthily-thin.
  • dancinonwater22
    dancinonwater22 Posts: 14 Member
    Also- I had this whole beautiful blog post about what a "dancer's body" really is, and how it wasn't about be painfully thin, but doing what's best for my body, but then I accidentally deleted my account, so you guys can't see that anymore :(

    My dance studio is so focussed on the fact that a dancer can come from any body shape or size because my dance teacher was part of the dangerous world of proffesional dance, and she spends every day proving that true. She is always teaching us to love our bodies, and to eat nutritious food so that we can be properly fueled for all the exercise we do.
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