ArchieH1 Member


  • Eggs are good for the protein, check to see how your protein is at the end of the day. Sometimes we for get to eat the protein we need. They give you energy! I have two a day at times at work for a break. Today I added the hard boiled eggs to my salad.
  • I have been here before and have lost pounds doing it. I'm back because I lost my goals. We can work together to get it done. I too want to lose 100 Plus pounds. I have been adding to my blog almost daily so if you want to friend up that would be cool. I will not hound you because I had some that was telling me more then I…
  • Well I'm old enough to be your Dad but if you see my profile you will see the weight up and downs I've had. If you want to add me as your friend please do.
  • Would like to help if you need it. Been on MyFitnessPal on and off for some time. Was on WW which is about the same without counting points and the cost. Let me know if you wnat to be friends.
  • Hi I'm new to this board myself. I had been on Weight Watchers and lost tons of weight from my wallet and my belly. I spent over $1000 in two and a half years and lost about 100 pounds. But one of the reasons I stopped was the cost. The reason I gave up was lack of money, and getting depressed because I didn't have the…