

  • Dove Dark Chocolate Promises with almonds! Yummo and so satisfying! :smile:
  • I use Stevia. Sweetleaf brand is the most highly recommended or Stevia in the Raw is fine. Just what for any fillers. It is by far the most natural sweetner available. You can buy Sweetleaf in healthfood stores or on line. Walmart and other grocery stores typically carry Stevia in the Raw.
  • Try the 80/20 plan. This is where 80% of the time you eat clean - or the way you have been to loose weight. The other 20% of the time you can eat more of what you would like, in moderation, and never 2 days in a row. This is what the plan am on says to do when I've finished my maintenance phase of maintaining my current…
  • I had an extended tummy tuck and breast lift this past November after loosing over 120 lbs several years ago. Best thing I ever did for myself and, while expensive, definitely worth it! Even my husband agrees. There is a real good forum group on at www.realself.com that I would highly recommend and there are lots of…
  • These sound pretty good. I might just have to give them a try myself.
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