

  • The first 30 or so was basically getting used to drinking water cutting out junk/fast food. Was mainly just walking for working out. The next 30 I lost was reducing portions. I ate healthy choice type meals but those are a waste of money, too much salt and left your waste diamond like. I discovered DDP Yoga and it took off…
  • When i get asked how I did it I always respond with meth and coke mixed in. Their surprised looks as they consider if I am telling truth and if they should do it is amazing :smile: I then just tell them nutrition, sleep and working out, they get disappointed.
  • It is always something that is there. There is no perfection, only perfectibility. For me falling off the path was starting to eat clean and it took me like a month not to feel urges any more. You will have all these hurdles come up that you have to know up front will be coming and have to adapt. The thing that didn't make…
  • 50 percent food plus water, 40 percent sleep and 10 percent working out. It is about basics and foundation and it takes a lot of discipline to go to be on time in order to get recovery time/build muscles. You lose weight by getting proper rest