

  • I hope you know I was not serious about the eating disorder comment. However, I think that is what society thinks. I think they are blind to the fact an overweight person may worry about food and eating just as much as someone who is thin from being anorexic. (sp?)
  • I do 45 minutes of kickboxing. I enter it into the system on here, and that is what the number the give me. I never EVER get close to eating that much, and I figure it must be off. But that is what they tell me!?!?
  • Thanks for the the great tips...I will try to keep eating more...ugh! Like I said before, I am used to eating one meal a day, so this has been a real challenge for me...Not sure how I am going to possibly eat this much in one day. I do intense kickboxing, so, according to this that is another 800 calories to eat...that is…